‘Organic’ salt? Not really.

In June, the European Parliament's AGRI committee will vote on a Delegated Regulation on Salt. To learn more about the specifics, EU Salt provided us with an infographic on why they want MEPs to veto.

By EUsalt

EUsalt is the association of crystallised salt producers located in 18 countries from Europe and beyond. Europe is the second largest salt producing region in the world and EUsalt, through its members, represents 77% of the total European salt production. Our members have a combined turnover of more than €1.5 billion and employ nearly 9 000 people. Our vision is to be the voice of the salt industry in Europe, to communicate the values and benefits of salt as an essential building block for the chemical industry, the energy sector and as a vital mineral for health, safety and nutrition.

13 Jun 2023


If the European Parliament vote to pass the Delegated Regulation on Salt in their plenary session in July, both consumers and producers will be impacted by the draft delegated regulation.

Therefore, the team at EUsalt have provided 3 key facts that policymakers should consider before faced with the vote that could have a severe impact on the future of the salt industry in Europe.

Click the infographic below to download and share the high quality version. 


Want to learn more? Watch the video below.