5 questions with... Viorica Dăncilă

Balance, inner strength and books.

Viorica Dancila | Photo credit: European Parliament audiovisual

1. How would you describe your political/leadership style in three words?
Let me rephrase a little and describe three principles that guide me in my political activity, because they undoubtedly influence what you call my 'political style'. These principles are balance, initiative and communication, openness to other people's ideas.


2. Is there anything you have personally achieved or done that would surprise people?
There were times when I had to face difficulties, but each time I found the strength to stand up and go on. Every one of us is confronted with such moments. What really matters is finding the power, within ourselves, to continue our projects, always guided by our principles. 


3. What was the most inspirational and influential book you have read and why?
I love reading and try to read whenever I can find the time. And I believe the books we read, as a whole, influence us, shape our way of thinking and of seeing the world, even our way of dealing with hardship or challenges. 


4. Which person you have worked with has most inspired you in your career, and how?
I didn't have a model, in life or in politics. I preferred to observe and study the accomplishments of people I encountered along my career, to understand their strengths and also their weaknesses, to learn from their mistakes.


5. What is the smallest change you have made in your career that has had the biggest positive result?
My first political project was at local administration level. I worked hard and learned a lot over time. The scene has changed from the local to the European level, but my tenacity and willingness to work hard and build positive changes has remained the same.


Want more 5Qs? Get to know Fulvio Martusciello.


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