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AIDS Healthcare Foundation Europe
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is a global non-profit organisation providing cutting-edge HIV care and services to those in need. They are the largest provider of HIV medical care ...
28 Sep Article
Resilient people mean a resilient country: What can the EU learn from Ukraine?
Animal Health Europe
AnimalhealthEurope is the association representing manufacturers of animal medicines, vaccines and other animal health products in Europe. It is a not-for-profit body representi...
19 Mar Article
When we protect our pets, we protect ourselves: launching World Parasite Awareness Day
ePURE represents the interests of European renewable ethanol producers to the EU institutions, industry stakeholders, the media, academia and the general public. Based in Brusse...
02 Dec Article
A better way to drive EU de-fossilisation
The European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) is Europe’s trade body that gives a bigger voice to small and mid-sized innovative companies working in the fiel...
26 Nov Article
Why rare diseases must remain in the political spotlight
Figiefa is the voice of independent distributors of automotive spare parts towards European Union and United Nations institutions. Our mission is to make sure that legislation ...
10 Jan Article
Europe's automotive industrial action plan: Why the Independent Aftermarket deserves its place in the spotlight
Herbalife are a global health and wellness community. For over 40 years and in more than 90 countries, we’ve empowered millions of people to make real changes to their lives with o...
04 Apr Article
Green Protein: The future of the European food system should rely more on plants
Medical Nutrition International Industry
The Medical Nutrition International Industry association (MNI) is the voice of the medical nutrition industry at international level. MNI gathers companies that offer specialised n...
Ensuring the provision of better care through better nutrition
For 175 years, Pfizer has been a trusted partner in healthcare – discovering, developing, and delivering medical breakthroughs to prevent, treat, and cure some of the world’s most ...
20 Nov Article
The time is now: Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance with Transferable Exclusivity Vouchers
SIOPE - The European Society for Paediatric Oncology
The European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOP Europe or SIOPE) is the only pan-European organisation representing all professionals working in the field of childhood cancers. ...
12 Sep Article
Why childhood cancer should remain a priority in the new mandate
The Brewers of Europe
The Brewers of Europe brings together national brewers’ associations and companies from 28 European countries to represent the united voice of Europe’s 10,000+ breweries. With a...
19 Sep Article
Meet Julia Leferman, the new voice for Europe’s 10,000 breweries
The European Lotteries
The European Lotteries association (EL) is the European umbrella organisation of national lotteries operating games of chance, including sports betting. The members of EL are opera...
Safeguarding Minors Online: The Role of Regulation and Responsible Practices
For over 60 years, UNESDA has worked hard to promote the interests of consumers and producers of non-alcoholic beverages across Europe. The association has done so by building a co...
12 Nov Article
The role of the European non-alcoholic beverage sector in a competitive Europe
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