Circular Economy: Where does the EU stand?

The transition of the European economy towards greater circularity has become increasingly prominent in recent years with the Green Deal. Since 2019, the EU Commission has submitted various legislative proposals aimed at transforming the single market to reduce the environmental impact of economic activities in various sectors, including the packaging sector. 

The Packaging and Packing Waste Regulation (PPWR) is one of the most impactful files for the sector and the adopted text leaves some opened questions for policymakers. What does the new European Mandate hold for the future of the Green Deal, and that of environmental policy? 

Panel I: “A closer look at the implementation of PPWR” 

  • Is PPWR ensuring enough harmonisation within the bloc? 

  • What are the main implementation challenges stakeholders face and how can the EU address these?  

  • How can the delegated and implemented acts help stakeholders to achieve PPWR targets, focusing on reuse and recycling? 

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Monika Romenska, Regulatory & Public Affairs Manager, Expra
  • Aline Maigret, Head of Policy, Zero Waste Europe             
  • Maria Nikolopoulou, Vice-President for the Section on Agriculture, Rural development and the Environment, European Economic and Social Committee
  • Nicholas Hodac, Director General, UNESDA

Panel II: “Outlook for the next European Mandate” 

  • What further policies should the next European Parliament set forward to enhance circularity in the EU economy? 

  • What tools do stakeholders need to advance the circular economy? 

  • How can the circular economy play a bigger role in other European policies, such as industrial and trade policy? 

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Ursula DenisonHead of International Business Development EPR, Der Grüne Punkt  
  • Antoine Oger, Research Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy
  • Federica Dolce, Environmental Affairs Manager, Food Drink Europe
  • Mathias Kirkegaard, Environment attaché at the Permanent Representation of Denmark to the EU
  • Luis Planas Herrera, Policy Assistant to the Director General for Environment (DG ENV), European Commission
  • Lucie Rousselle, Candidate for the European elections in Belgium, MR/Renew Europe

Agenda of the event:

16.30 – 17.00 Registration  

17.00 – 17.05 Welcome remarks by Jean Hornain, CEO of Citeo 

17.05 – 18.05 Panel I: “A closer look at the implementation of PPWR” 

18.05 – 18.20 Short break  

18.20 – 19.20 Panel II: “Outlook for the next European Mandate” 

19.20 – 20.30  Networking 

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Date & time
Wednesday 15th May, 16.30 CEST
Thon EU Hotel, Brussels, Belgium