The Parliament APA FAQ's Guide is available to read now

We spoke with a series of APA's and experts to learn about how you can thrive and survive as an APA in the European Parliament

While MEPs take central stage at the European Parliament, APA’s are the backbone of the institution. Behind every MEP is a team of APAs, working hard on a wide range of tasks. The job description of an Accredited Parliamentary Assistant is often as broad as the job title itself. They can be found doing anything from managing their MEPs diary and travel to drafting amendments or communicating the work of their MEP to voters back home. It's a varied and often fast-paced, but it is rewarding and directly contributes to the functioning of the EU.  

At the start of each mandate, the new APAs descending upon Brussels often face a steep learning curve. When creating this toolkit, we consulted a selection of current and former APAs to gather their advice, tips and tricks on how best to survive and thrive in the Brussels bubble. From discovering the cultural quirks of your new colleagues and learning how to champion a policy area to getting the lowdown on what to wear at Parliament, we’ve tried to cover all bases so you can hit the ground running.  

The Parliament team wishes you all the best in your new role and hopes that you find our toolkit useful as you navigate the 10th mandate of the European Parliament. We also encourage you to stay updated on EU politics through our website, newsletter and monthly print magazine, delivered to your MEP's post box.  

Good luck!