5 questions with... Irena Joveva

Irena Joveva (Renew, SI), vice-chair of the Delegation to the EU-North Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee, talks about getting inspiration from her mother, and The Little Prince
Slovenian politician Irena Joveva reveals her love of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's famous novel The Little Prince

By Irena Joveva

Irena Joveva (Renew, SI), vice-chair of the Delegation to the EU-North Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee, talks about getting inspiration from her mother, and The Little Prince

05 Apr 2023

1.Who have you worked with that has most inspired your career, and how?  

While I have not worked professionally with this person, I can say that I have worked with her in life: my mother. Unfortunately, only for the first 20 years of my life, but I am grateful for that time with her. She was a truly inspiring person, a strong fighter and an incredible woman who will remain my role model forever.

I have never met a stronger, more persistent or more courageous person than her, and she inspired my career the most, and perhaps still does, even though she is no longer with us.

Everything I do professionally is always based on answering the question, “What would my mother do?” or “How would my mother see it?”. That’s how I know I’m making the right choice. 

2. How would you describe your political or leadership style in three words?   

Different, honest and altruistic. 

3. What is the smallest change you have made in your career that has had the biggest positive result?  

When I finally accepted that, unfortunately, there will always be evil people who only care about themselves. Unfortunately, I can’t change that, and once I fully comprehended that fact, I could focus on the things I can change for the better. 

4. What one item would you save from your home if it were on fire? 

My daughter Mila’s favourite toy – an old plush puppy. Because we lost it once before, and let me tell you, it was tough. It was no longer for sale, and I spent several days researching and then travelling all over Slovenia to find the same toy. I couldn’t risk losing it again. Some things are simply priceless. 

5. What was the most inspirational and influential book you have read and why? 

The Little Prince. Author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry perfectly captures the state and spirit of society, even though it was published 80 years ago. For example, it tells the story of a king who reigns over a planet where he is the only resident and of a vain man who craves admiration from everyone.

Both could be related to the pathological behaviour, statements and actions of some prominent politicians – Russian President Vladimir Putin comes to mind. People like that expect the world to admire their actions when, in fact, they are part of the problem, not the solution.