5 questions with... Alexandra Louise Rosenfield Phillips

Alexandra Louise Rosenfield Phillips (UK, Greens/EFA) is a member of Parliament’s Employment and Social Affairs committee.
Photo credit: European Parliament Audiovisual

1. Which person you have worked with most inspired you in your career, and how?
I worked for former MEP Caroline Lucas on and off for many years and I think she’s the model politician; 99 percent of the time, her responses to things are bang on what many people on the left want her to say. She shows real leadership - unlike many other politicians - and she’s also really relatable, articulate and fantastic at public speaking; she’s got everything.

2. How would you describe your political/leadership style in three words?
Relatable, radical, relentless (I try to be relentlessly optimistic about Brexit…)

3. What one item would you save from your home if it was on fire? (Apart from your photo album)
My Brompton bike - my fold up bike that I’ve had since 2005 and I use every day.

4. Is there anything you have personally achieved or done that would surprise people?
I’ve done a bungee jump! They put some scaffolding up on the Eye360 (a 450ft viewing tower in Brighton) before it was opened to the public and I jumped off there. It was really tall - way higher than any of the apartment blocks on the seafront. You couldn’t think about it before you did it - I just had to jump... I don’t think I’d do it again.

5. What was the most inspirational and influential book you have read and why?
Books like The Colour Purple and Rubyfruit Jungle were quite formative... but in terms of my political awakening, The Spirit Level has probably had the biggest impact. It’s basically about being Green, the future, balance, about the way life should be, but it’s also got loads on the economy. I read it in about 2007 and it helped to define me on the left and what it means to be left and Green.

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