5 questions with... Isabel Benjumea

Photo credit: The Parliament Magazine

1. Which person you have worked with has most inspired you in your career, and how?

My Grandfather, Javier Benjumea. He was an entrepreneur and businessman from Seville who founded a multinational energy company. I did not work directly with him, as he passed away when I was 19 years old, but his example of hard work, austerity and commitment to his project has always been a guide in my life. He encouraged us, his 45 grandchildren, to become honest and free individuals who would always be ready to take responsibility for our actions. And, in accordance with the parable of the talents, he taught us the importance of making the best of the talents we’ve been given.

2. How would you describe your political/leadership style in three words?

Coherence, humility and teamwork.

3. Is there anything you have personally achieved or done that would surprise people?

I have always been very proud of two things: starting up a small company and planting a vineyard in the beautiful land of Extremadura (Spain).

4. What do you do in your free time to relax and unwind?

When I’m not working, you can find me at my country house, hunting, taking care of the vineyard (pruning, ploughing, harvesting) or just reading a good book under an oak.

5. What was the most inspirational and influential book you have read and why?

Only one? That is too difficult for me. I would like to mention three, if I may: Animal Farm by George Orwell, Las inquietudes de Shanti Andia by Pío Baroja and Decisive Moments in History by Stefan Zweig. They have helped me develop an in-depth understanding of the human condition with its lights and shadows. How a few free and determined people can change the world and the dangers of collective thinking.

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