5 questions with...Lieve Wierinck

Lieve Wierinck (BE, ALDE) member of parliament’s ITRE committee and winner of 2019 MEP award for health

Photo credit: The Parliament Magazine

1. How would you describe your political/leadership style in three words?

Straightforward, persistent and true

2. What is the smallest change you have made in your career that has had the biggest positive result?

When I left the Federal Parliament for the European Parliament. At the time, it seemed like a relatively small change, which turned out to have an unpredictably large impact.

3. What one item would you save from your house or apartment if it was on fire?

My dog. Animals have always been a part of my household and I have had many pets over the past decades; a number of dogs, rabbits and even a horse.

4. Is there anything you have personally achieved or done that would surprise people?

The fact that I have received the MEP Health Award, without even being a Member of the ENVI committee. With a permanent sta­ff of four people that work on policy related matters, we’ve had to cover both the great number of dossiers that the ITRE and ECON committees have seen in this legislature. All healthcare related work came on top of this.

5. What was the most inspirational and influential book you have read and why?

‘The tattooist of Auschwitz’, by Heather Morris. It paints the picture of the horrors of the Second World War and is a warning that it is a threat that is always present; a reminder that the freedoms that we enjoy today are never to be taken for granted. It shows that the struggle for freedom is inherent to our being and is something we will always pursue.

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