EPP and S&D Groups make significant progress in shaping a stable majority

Main political groups agree to share European parliament president role.

By EPP Group

24 Jun 2014

EPP Press release:
The Chairmen of the EPP and S&D Groups, Manfred Weber and Martin Schulz MEPs, made significant progress on Tuesday in shaping a stable and sustainable majority in the European Parliament as well as building an agenda for reforms in Europe for the next five years.

Together with Vice-Chairs from the two major political groups in the European Parliament – Françoise Grossetete and Esteban González Pons for the EPP Group and Enrique Guerrero and acting EP President Gianni Pittella on behalf of the S&D Group – they agreed, as a first step, to share the Presidency of the European Parliament: the first two and a half years for an S&D candidate and the second half of the term, starting in January 2017, for an EPP Group candidate.

"Today we had early discussions on finding a common ground for a majority to implement reforms for growth and jobs, and to make sure that the EU is equipped to meet the challenges ahead" Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group

“Today we had early discussions on finding a common ground for a majority to implement reforms for growth and jobs, and to make sure that the EU is equipped to meet the challenges ahead. We need to work as quickly and as efficiently as possible - that is what our citizens expressed with their votes in the last European elections,” said EPP Group Chairman, Manfred Weber.

Talks will continue next week in Strasbourg, immediately after the election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the European Parliament.

MEP Contact
Manfred WEBER
BRU - Tel: +32 (0)2 2845890 Fax: +32 (0)2 2849890
STR - Tel: +33 (0)3 88 175890 Fax: +33 (0)3 88 179890
Email: manfred.weber@europarl.europa.eu

Press Contact
Pedro López de Pablo
Phone: +32 475 49 33 52
E-mail: pedro.lopez@europarl.europa.eu