MEP wants to see Bosnia-Herzegovina take 'decisive step towards integration'

Bosnia-Herzegovina becoming the EU's 'un-success' story, warns Eduard Kukan.

By Eduard Kukan MEP

26 Feb 2014

Along with the mass demonstrations, which brought out the civic frustration in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the European parliament passed its resolution on the country's integration progress. The atmosphere in Strasbourg was similar to the one in the Bosnian streets.

There was a common agreement in the parliament that "political stalemate prevents" the country's European path. The lack of political will and cooperation among the elites is really frustrating. At the same time, looking at the number of institutions, one might think Bosnian public administration "over represents" its citizens.

Despite this impression, the accountability of the politicians to its population has hit rock bottom.

Moreover, [pullquote]Bosnia-Herzegovina clearly lacks behind its regional neighbours while becoming the EU's "unsuccess" story in the Balkans[/pullquote]. The notorious Sejdic-Finci case is our prime frustration. Time is ticking ahead of the 5 October general elections and the ruling needs to be implemented.

Otherwise, the legitimacy of these elections could be called to question. Moreover, Bosnia-Herzegovina simply cannot afford such discrimination in the 21st century.

We all want to see a country which takes firm and decisive steps towards EU integration. The European parliament is rooting for this. We also want to have a partner that speaks to us with one voice and a partner who's capable of making sound and progressive decisions.

I believe it is possible once we all see the bigger picture, in which understanding the importance of accountability to the citizens​ is prime. It is the best way to break the vicious circle of frustration in both the EU and Bosnia-Herzegovina.