Movers and Shakers | 11 July 2016

Keep track of developments in the European institutions and public affairs with our movers and shakers column. on 11 July 2016

By Ifigenia Balkoura

11 Jul 2016

European Parliament:

Members of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Pedro Silva PEREIRA (S&D, PT) left the Committee on Development (DEVE).

Urszula KRUPA (ECR, PL) joined the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI). 

Diane JAMES (EFDD, UK) joined the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO).

Substitutes of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Ashley FOX (ECR, UK) joined the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO).

Urszula KRUPA (ECR, PL) joined the Committee on Petitions (PETI).

Dario TAMBURRANO (EFDD, IT) left the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) and joined the Committee on Development (DEVE). 

Fabio Massimo CASTALDO (EFDD, IT) joined the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE).

Ignazio CORRAO (EFDD, IT) left the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and joined the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI).

Laura FERRARA (EFDD, IT) left the Committee on Development (DEVE) and joined the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET).

Special Committees:
The constitutive meeting of the money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion (PANA)  committee of inquiry will be held on Tuesday 12 July, where a Chair and Vice-Chairs will be elected.

National parties:
Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ (S&D, RO) left the National Union for the Progress of Romania and joined the Social Democratic Party.

Nigel FARAGE (EFDD, UK) resigned as leader of the United Kingdom Independent Party (UKIP). FARAGE who played a pivotal role in the Leave campaign of the EU referendum said that he will keep his seat in the parliament. No official application has been submitted yet for the role.  

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Ian DUNCAN (ECR, UK) has agreed to continue in his role as rapporteur on the Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS iv) at the request of him colleagues.

Brian HAYES (EPP, IE) will lead the negotiations for the EPP group as shadow rapporteur on an own-initiative report on financial technology which will be negotiated in the autumn.

Plenary highlights:
Creation of a European Border and Coast Guard Agency: MEPs backed a proposal to create a European Border and Coast Guard Agency (EBCG). The new agency will be assisting member states (that will still manage their borders on a day-to-day basis) in cases where their EU external borders are under increased pressure, by deploying pooled border guard teams. The new agency will not have its own border guards but will be staffed by a rapid reaction pool of 1500 border guards that will be nominated by the member states. The proposal was backed by 483 votes to 181 and 48 abstentions.  Artis PABRIKS (EPP, LV) is the rapporteur on the dossier. The text will now be sent to the European Council for approval. The legislation is expected to enter into force this autumn. 

EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy: The new strategy of the European External Action (EEAS) that was presented by High Representative Federica MOGHERINI on 28 June was debated during the plenary session. The strategy under the title “Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe” aims to provide a strategic vision for the EU's global role.

Vote on Tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAXE 2) final report: MEPs adopted with 514 votes in favour, 68 against, and 25 abstentions the final report of the special committee, the work of which was concluded. Jeppe KOFOD (S&D, DK) and Michael THEURER (ALDE, DE) were the co-rapporteurs. The work of the committee is supposed to end in August.


European Commission:

British Prime Minister David CAMERON nominated current Ambassador to France Sir Julian KING as candidate to replace Jonathan HILL as the UK’s new Commissioner. Sir Julian will be interviewed by President JUNCKER on Monday 11 July, in order to determine his ability to serve as a European Commissioner.

Directorates General:
Agriculture and Rural Development(AGRI):
Directorate B – Multilateral relations, quality policy: Johan VAN GRUIJTHUISEN became acting Head of Unit, ‘Promotion’, replacing Hans-Erwin BARTH. Mr VAN GRUIJTHUISEN is also deputy head of the unit.

Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CNECT):
Following on from last week’s update on the reorganisation of DG CNECT, here are some additional details:
Directorate C – Digital Excellence and Science Infrastructure: Thomas SKORDAS became acting Director, replacing Thierry VAN DER PYL.
Directorate D – Policy Strategy and Outreach: Linda CORUGEDO STENEBERG became Director, replacing David RINGROSE who was acting in the role.
Directorate G – Data: Javier HERNANDEZ-ROS became acting Director, replacing Giuseppe ABBAMONTE who became Director of the newly created Directorate I. Mr HERNANDEZ-ROS is also Head of Unit, ‘Data Applications and Creativity’.
Directorate I – Media Policy: Giuseppe ABBAMONTE became Director, with four units joining him from other Directorates.
Directorate R – Resources and Support: Gail KENT stays on as Director, with an additional unit added to her Directorate.

Education and Culture (EAC):
Directorate C – Youth and Sport: Florencia VAN HOUDT became Head of Unit, ‘Youth programme, youth outreach tools and traineeships’, replacing Harald HARTUNG who was acting in the role and is Head of Unit, ‘Youth Policy’.

Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN):
Directorate F – Economics of the Member States I: Manfred BERGMANN became Director, replacing Daniel DACO who was acting in the role and is Head of Unit, ‘Austria, Cyprus, Germany’.
Principle Adviser to the Director-General: Matthias MORS left the DG.

Energy (ENER):
Principle Adviser to Director-General: Georgette LALIS joins the DG as a Principle Adviser.
Directorate E – Euratom safeguards: Stephen LECHNER Director, replacing Piotr SZYMANSKI. Mr SZYMANSKI moved to the Joint Research Centre (JRC) to become Director, ‘Energy, Transport and Climate’.

Environment (ENVI):
Joanna DRAKE became Deputy Director-General filling a vacant position. Ms DRAKE was a Principle Adviser for a Task Force in DG GROW – Collaborative Economy, New Business Models and SMEs – which was dissolved in March this year.

European Statistics (ESTAT):
Directorate B – Methodology, corporate statistical and IT services: Alvaro DIEZ SOTO became acting Head of Unit, ‘IT solutions for statistical production’, replacing Pascal BRAHY.

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Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection (ECHO):
DG ECHO has been renamed as ‘European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations’ and undergone a reorganisation. An additional Directorate has been added, making four in total. Following Florika FINK-HOOIJER’s move to Interpretation (DG SCIC) as Director-General, Johannes LUCHNER became acting Director of Directorate A.
Directorate A – Strategy, Policy and International Co-operation is now ‘Emergency Management’. Johannes LUCHNER is acting Director.
Directorate B – Humanitarian and Civil Protection Operations is now ‘Europe Eastern Neighbourhood and Middle East’. Jean-Louis DE BROUWER retains his position as Director.
Directorate C – Resources, Partnerships and Operational Support is now ‘Africa, Asia, Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific’. Androulla KAMINARA became Director, joining DG ECHO from DG DEVCO where he was Principle Adviser to the Task Force ‘Knowledge, Performance and Results’.
Directorate D – General Affairs is the new Directorate. Jean-Pierre BUISSERET is currently acting Director but will be replaced by Chiara GARIAZZO on 16 July who joins ECHO from DG EAC.

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE):
Directorate C – Atlantic, Outermost Regions and Arctic: Felix LEINEMANN became Head of Unit, ‘Maritime Policy Atlantic, outermost regions and Arctic’, replacing Iain SHEPHERD who was acting in the role. Prior to this appointment, Mr LEINEMANN was an Assistant to the Director-General to DG MARE.

Joint Research Centre (JRC):
DG JRC has undergone a reorganisation as of 1 July. In June we reported that an additional Directorate- ‘Competences’ – was to be added. In addition to this there have been a number of changes to the names and structures of the other Directorates.
Directorate A –Strategy and Work Programme Coordination (was Policy Support Coordination). Delilah AL KHUDHAIRY remains as Director. A number of units have been renamed and two have joined from Directorate B.
Directorate B – Growth and Investment (was Directorate J – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies). John BENSTED-SMITH remains as Director.
Directorate C – Energy, Transport and Climate (was Directorate F – Institute for Energy and Transport). Piotr SZYMANSKI became Director, replacing Giovanni DE SANTI. Mr SZYMANSKI joins DG JRC from DG ENER.
Directorate D – Sustainable Resources (was Directorate H – Institute for Environment and Sustainability). David WILKINSON stays on as Director.
Directorate E – Space, Security and Migration (was Directorate G – Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen). Dan CHIRONDOJAN became Director, replacing Stephan LECHNER. The units were renamed and three new Heads of Unit joined the Directorate.
Directorate F – Health, Consumer and Reference Materials (Directorate D – Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements and Directorate and Directorate I – Institute for Health and Consumer Protection merged). Elke ANKLAM, former Director of Directorate D, became Director of F. Directorate G – Nuclear Safety and Security (was Directorate E - Institute for Transuranium Elements). Maria BETTI remains as Director. The units are reorganised to create three sub-departments.
Directorate H – Knowledge Management. Krzysztof MARUSZEWSKI became Director, moving from the former Directorate I – Institute for Health and Consumer Protection.
Directorate I – Competences. Giovanni DE SANTI became Director of this new Directorate. He moved from what was Directorate F.
Directorate R – Resources: New units were added.

Research and Innovation (RTD):
Directorate E – Health: Mila BAS SANCHEZ became Head of Unit, ‘Administration and Finance’, following a period of acting in the role.
Directorate J – Common Support Centre: Anna PANAGOPOULOU became Director, replacing Liliane DE WOLF who was acting in the role and is Head of Unit, ‘Common Legal Support’.
Directorate J – Common Support Centre: Stephane N’DONG became Head of Unit, ‘Common IT Service’, following a period of acting in the role.

Spokesperson’s Service (SPP):
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs: Maria SARANTOPOULOU became acting Press Officer, replacing Heli PIETILA.
International Cooperation and Development: Christina WUNDER became Press Officer, filling a vacant position left by Sharon ZARB in June.
Multimedia Editorial Team: Claire DAVENPORT left the SPP. Tim MCPHIE picked up the role of multimedia editor alongside his Spokesperson responsibilities for ‘Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Affairs, Rule of Law, Charter of Fundamental Rights’.

Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD):
Directorate C – Indirect Taxation and Tax Administration: Donato RAPONI became acting Director replacing Manfred BERGMAN. Mr RAPONI is also Head of Unit, ‘Value Added Tax’.


Committee of the Regions (CoR):

Pauliina HAIJANEN (EPP, FI) was appointed rapporteur on the “Integrated EU policy for the Arctic”.


Missions to the European Union:

On 1 July 2016 President of the European Council, Donald TUSK, received the letters of credentials for three Ambassadors:

Argentina: H.E. Mr Mario Raúl VERÓN GUERRA replaced Hernán LORENZINO as Head of Mission.
Bhutan: H.E. Mrs Pema CHODEN replaced Tenzin Rondel WANGCHUK, who was acting in the role, as Head of Mission.
Timor-Leste: H.E. Mr Francisco TILMAN CEPEDA replaced Nelson SANTOS as Head of Mission.


Public affairs:

Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!

CeficAaron McLoughlin was appointed as the new Executive Director of Public Affairs, starting on 1 August.

Delors Institute: Former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico LETTA, became the new President. 

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD): Pierre HEILBRONN was appointed as Vice President, Policy and Partnerships. Mr HEILBRONN will take on his new role in November 2016.

Wall Street Journal (WSJ): Julia VERLAINE joined the Brussels bureau as reporter, focusing mainly on EU financial regulation.  


News in a nutshell:

Austria: Chancellor Cristian KERN announced that the re-run of the presidential election will take place on 2 October. 
As of 1 July the portfolio of women was removed from the Ministry of education and was allocated to the Ministry for health. All ministers remain the same. The change was part of a reshuffle in May.

Hungary: A referendum will be held on 2 October on whether to accept any future EU quota system on resettling migrants. The question that Hungarian people will be called to vote on is: “Do you want the European Union to be entitled to prescribe the mandatory settlement of non-Hungarian citizens in Hungary without the consent of Parliament?"

Romania: The cabinet was once again reshuffled. Minister for education Adrian CURAJ, Minister for communications Marius BOSTAN, Minister for transport Dacian COSTESCU and Minister-Delegate for relations with Romanians abroad Dan STOENESCU were replaced by Mircea DUMITRU, Dragos TUDORACHE (interim), Sorin BUSE and Maria LIGOR respectively.

United Kingdom: Pro-remain Home Secretary Theresa MAY and pro-Brexit junior Minister for Energy and Climate change Andrea LEADSOM are the two contenders for the Conservative party leadership who were backed in the second round of the MPs’ ballot. The election of the new leader of the Conservatives and the next female Prime Minister will be held on 9 September.  

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Read the most recent articles written by Ifigenia Balkoura - Movers and Shakers | 26 November 2018