Movers and Shakers | 12 June 2017

Keep track of developments in the European institutions and public affairs with our movers and shakers column.

By Ifigenia Balkoura

12 Jun 2017

Today's Movers & Shakers are about: the UK snap elections, the British MEPs who were elected, appointments in public affairs and the European Commission and more.


European Parliament:

Following the UK snap elections held on 8 June the following MEPs were elected:
Vicky Ford (ECR), chair of IMCO committee, ECR group Bureau member
Annelise DODDS (S&D), chair of the EU-Montenegro delegation.
Afzal KHAN (S&D), vice-chair of the subcommittee on security and defence.
Andrew LEWER (ECR), ECR group coordinator for CULT and REGI committees.

The MEPs who were not elected are: Ian DUNCAN (ECR), Molly SCOTT CATTO (Greens/EFA), Paul NUTTALL (EFDD), Gerard Batten (EFDD), Tim AKER (EFDD), Mike HOOKEM (EFDD), Roger HELMER (EFDD), Stuart AGNEW (EFDD) and Bill ETHERIDGE (EFDD).

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National parties:
Paul NUTTALL resigned as leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), after failing to win a single seat in the elections. David COBURN announced his candidacy for the leadership on Monday.

Composition of the committees:

Mairead McGUINNESS (EPP, IE) joined the committee on constitutional affairs (AFCO).

Political groups news:
ALDE and EPP groups’ leaders Guy VERHOFSTADT and Manfred WEBER have called for a special parliamentary committee to look into failures in the fight against terror attacks and ways to improve EU’s cooperation in the field of anti-terrorism. S&D group leader Gianni PITTELLA, rejected the idea, saying this is an issue that LIBE committee already covers, and that it would therefore be a waste of money, effort and time.

Ramon TREMOSA i BALCELLS (ES) was elected as ALDE group’s coordinator of the ECON committee, replacing Sylvie GOULARD. 

MEPs are in Strasbourg from Monday 12 to Thursday 15 June.


European Commission:

Directorates General:
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW):

Directorate D – Consumer, Environmental and Health Technologies: Michael FLUEH became Head of Unit 'REACH' swapping roles with Klaus BEREND, who has moved to DG SANTE and is head of 'Pesticides and Biocides'.

Translation (DGT):
Directorate B – Translation: Andreas LARSSON became acting Head of Unit, 'Swedish', replacing Anna WALLEN.

Research and Innovation (RDT):
Adviser to the Deputy Director-General: Liliane DE WOLF became head of a new taskforce within the DG, 'Rules for participation of FP9', which will consider the next framework programme post-Horizon 2020.

Want to know more? Click here for information on our Dods People EU service.

Spokesperson Service (SPP):
Security Union: responsibility to this portfolio was designated to Natasha BERTAUD as the Coordinating Spokesperson, Tove ERNST as Spokesperson, and Katarzyna KOLANKO as Press Officer.


Committee of the Regions (CoR):

Nathalie SARRABEZOLLES (PES, FR) was appointed as rapporteur on the work-life balance directive.


Public affairs:

Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!

European Feed Manufacturers’ Federation (FEFAC): Nick MAJOR was elected as the new president.

International Association of Plant Bakers (AIBI): Joseph STREET was elected as the new president, taking over from Jean-Manuel LEVÊQUE. Janez BOJC and Georg HEBERER were also elected as first and second vice presidents respectively.

International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA): Bruno FAURE stepped down as president after a two-year term in office. He was replaced by Harke Jan MEEK, who also became chair of the board. Iain GRAINGER was elected as vice-president.


News in a nutshell:

Brexit: The Conservative party lost its majority in the snap elections, which have resulted in a hung parliament. Prime Minister Theresa MAY has managed to secure 318 seats (326 are required for a majority) and faced calls to resign. However, senior Downing Street sources insisted that the prime minister has no intention to do so. The Conservatives suffered a humiliating defeat, after seven of their ministers lost their seats. Labour leader Jeremy CORBYN tweeted earlier today that “whatever the final result, our positive campaign has changed politics for the better”.
Reacting to the news, former UKIP leader Nigel FARAGE said that he would have “no choice” but to re-enter the political frontline if Jeremy Corbyn leads a coalition government after the election.
EU chief negotiator Michel BARNIER said that “the negotiations should start when the UK is ready”, and stressed that the timetable and the EU positions are clear.  European Parliament Brexit negotiator Guy VERHOFSTADT branded the result as “another own goal that will make already complex negotiations even more complicated”. EPP group leader Manfred WEBER said that the “UK is deeply split”, while he accused Mrs MAY of bring bringing chaos to the country, instead of stability. He also reminded that the “clock is ticking” for the negotiations. S&D group leader, Gianni PITTELLA hailed the victory of Jeremy CORBYN and called on Theresa MAY to resign. Read EU leaders’ reactions.
Prime minister visited the Queen on Friday afternoon to seek permission to form a government with the support of the Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). Download Dods Monitoring briefing on the role of the DUP in building a government. A reshuffle saw most of the cabinet members, like Brexit secretary of state keeping their posts. Find out more about the reshuffle.

France: The first round of the legislative elections was held on Sunday 11 June. The party of president Emmanuel MACRON came first with 32 per cent. The runoff will be held on 18 June.

Germany: The federal minister for family affairs, senior citizens, women and youth, Manuela SCHWESIG stepped down from her post to seek election as minister-president of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Katarina BARLEY replaced her.

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Read the most recent articles written by Ifigenia Balkoura - Movers and Shakers | 26 November 2018