Movers and Shakers | 17 April 2020


By Mia Bartoloni

Mia Bartoloni is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

17 Apr 2020


Today’s Movers & Shakers are about: Highlights from April's extraordinary plenary session, two new Polish ministers, new members and alternates at the Committee of the Regions, Ireland heads for first grand coalition, the latest Commission, public affairs appointments, and more!


European Parliament

MEP and chair of Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI) Pascal CANFIN (RE, FR) has this week launched the “European Alliance for a Green Recovery”. Together with other MEPs, ministers, CEOs, NGO, trade unions and think-tanks, the initiative calls for a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The signatories say they are committed to supporting post-pandemic “stimulus transformation plans” that put the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss at the centre of Europe’s economic policy. For a full list of those involved, please see here.

Plenary Highlights
At April’s extraordinary plenary session MEPs engaged in a debate with Commission president Ursula VON DER LEYEN and President of the European Council Charles MICHEL regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. While MEPs agreed the institutions could have reacted faster to the crisis, it was acknowledged that solidarity was now being shown across the continent. Amongst the measures being called for are a common exit strategy and recovery plan within a new, ambitious, long-term budget to mitigate the social, economic and financial effects of the lockdown.

Committees and Delegations

Human Rights Sub-committee
Samira RAFAELA (RE, NL) joins as a substitute.

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European Commission


Energy (ENER)
Catharina SIKOW-MAGNY replaces Klaus-Dieter BORCHARDT as Director of Directorate B (Internal Energy Market) in an acting capacity.

European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
Ilkka SALMI replaces Johannes LUCHNER as Director of Directorate A (Emergency Management and rescEU).
Susanne MALLAUN replaces Irene HOREJS as Director of Directorate D (Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific) in an acting capacity.
Valentina AURICCHIO replaces Irene HOREJS as Head of Unit D4 (Asia, Latin America, Caribbean and Pacific) in an acting capacity.

Research and Innovation (RTD)
Rosalinde VAN DER VLIES replaces Minna WILKKI as Head of Unit 2 (Communication and Citizens). WILKKI moves to replace Manuel ALEIXO as Head of Unit A4 (Missions and Partnerships). The former was occupying the role in an acting capacity.
Patrick BRENIER replaces Renzo TOMELLINI as Head of Unit A3 (Horizon Strategic Planning and Programming).
TOMELLINI moves to the role of Head of Unit 3 (Chief Scientific Advisers – SAM, EGE) replacing Johannes KLUMPERS. KLUMPERS will therefore move to Head of Unit G3 (Research and Industrial Infrastructures) replacing Adam TYSON who was filling the role in an acting capacity.

Want to know more? Click here for more information on our Dods People EU service. 

EU Institutions and Agencies

Committee of the Regions

The following have been appointed as members:

Willem-Frederik SCHILTZ (RE, BE)
Anthony MIFSUD (EPP, MT)

The following have been appointed as alternates:

Allessia CLAES (EA, BE)
Yonnec POLET (PES, BE)

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
The Board of Supervisors have elected two new members to the Management Board. Åsa LARSON, Executive Director for Insurance at the Swedish Finansinspektionen, has been elected together with Els BOS, Executive Board Member and Chair of Prudential Supervision at De Nederlandsche Bank. 

Public Affairs

Pascal ROGARD is to become head of EU office in mid-April. ROGARD is currently the digital attaché in the French permanent representation to the EU.

Water Europe
Dominique GATEL has been appointed as the new co-leader of the Vision Leadership Team ‘The Value of Water’. GATEL is Director for institutional relationships/water at Veolia Headquarters.

Got a new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Click here to let us know about it!

National News

A Downing Street spokesperson has said that the UK will refuse an extension to the Brexit deadline if it is offered by Brussels. The transition period ends on 31 December, however the IMF has advised that extending this could alleviate industry uncertainty brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The ruling Fine Gael (EPP) and Fianna Fáil (ALDE) have moved closer to forming a coalition government based on “full and equal partnership”. This would entail the two leaders of the party, incumbent Taoiseach Leo VARADKAR and leader of Fianna Fáil Micheál MARTIN rotating the role of Taoiseach for the five-year term.

Home affairs minister Kajsa OLLONGREN resumed office on Tuesday after a long period of sick leave. OLLONGREN had handed over her duties to three other ministers at the beginning of November last year while she took time off for an operation. While OLLONGREN will resume her normal workload, responsibility for government IT projects will remain with her deputy Raymond KNOPS. Social affairs minister Wouter KOOLMEES will also stay in the role of deputy prime minister on behalf of the Liberal democratic party D66.

Minister for Development Jadwiga EMILEWICZ was appointed deputy prime minister last Thursday following the resignation of Jarosław GOWIN earlier in the week, who was deputy prime minister and minister for science. Wojciech MURDZEK has been appointed as the new minister for science and higher education. MURDZEK was formerly deputy minister in the Ministry of Development.


Read the most recent articles written by Mia Bartoloni - Movers and Shakers | 18 June 2021