European Parliament:
Vice-Chairs of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Morten LØKKEGAARD (ALDE, DK) was elected as third Vice-chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), replacing Ulla TØRNÆS (ALDE, DK), who left the Parliament.
Jaromír KOHLÍČEK (GUE/NGL, CZ) was elected third Vice-Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), replacing Miloslav RANSDORF (GUE/NGL, CZ), who passed away in January.
Substitutes of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Jørn DOHRMANN (ECR, DK) joined the Committee on Fisheries (PECH).
MEP awards:
On Wednesday 16 March the Parliament Magazine organised their annual MEP awards. The ceremony was hosted by MEP Paul RÜBIG (EPP, AT) at the Concert Noble. MEPs and representatives from the European Commission, the Permanent Representations and the Brussels community attended the event. Find out the winners by category here and watch video highlights of the evening here.
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European Commission:
Team of Miguel ARIAS CAÑETE: Silvia BARTOLINI is on maternity leave and Kitti NYITRAI joined as a member.
Budget (BUDG):
Directorate A – Expenditure: Jennifer BROWN became Head of Unit, Administrative appropriations and Allocation of human resources, replacing Ricardo LIZCANO COLET who was in the role as Acting Head.
Competition (COMP):
Directorate A – Policy and Strategy: Kris DEKEYSER became Acting Director, replacing Carles ESTEVA MOSSO who transitioned from Acting to Deputy Director-General (Mergers) for the Competition Directorate.
Directorate D – Markets and Cases III: Financial Services: Alberto BACCHIEGA became Acting Director, replacing Irmfried SCHWIMANN who moved to DG GROW.
Directorate G – Cartels: Gudrun SCHMIDT became Acting Head of Unit, Cartels I, replacing Kevin COATES.
Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN):
Marco BUTI (currently Director-General) became Acting Deputy Director-General, replacing Anne BUCHER who became Director-General of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board.
Directorate R – Resources: Benoît VERMEERSCH left Advisor position.
Directorate B – Investment, Growth and Structural Reforms: Antonio DE LECE became Acting Director, replacing Anne BUCHER.
Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW):
Principal Adviser Task Force - Collaborative Economy, New Business Models and SMEs: task force was removed from the DG. Joanna DRAKE leaves her role.
Deputy Director-General 2 - Responsible for Directorates E, G and H: Irmfried SCHWIMANN replaced Pierre DELSAUX who was acting in the role. DELSAUX continues as Deputy Director-General 3.
International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO):
Directorate A – EU Development Policy and International Cooperation: Erica GERRETSEN-PHIPPS became Head of Unit, Financing and Effectiveness, replacing Chantal MARIJNISSEN who was Acting in the role.
Directorate E – Development Coordination and Regional Cooperation Central Africa: F. DI MAURO became Head of Unit, Development Coordination and Regional Cooperation Central Africa, replacing Erica GERRETSEN-PHIPPS who moved to Directorate A.
Trade (TRADE):
Deputy Director-General – Sabine WEYAND filled the vacant role, which is responsible for Directorates E, F, G and H.
Representations to the member states:
Paris: Isabelle JÉGOUZO (currently Deputy General Secretary of the General Secretariat for European Affairs (SGAE)) appointed as the new Head as of 16 March, replacing Gaëtane RICARD-NIHOUL.
European agencies:
European Medicines Agency’s (EMA): Christa WIRTHUMER-HOCHE elected as chair of the Management Board for a three-year period, starting on 17 March.
International organisations:
United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC): Deborah SEWARD assumed her duties as Director on 14 March, replacing Afsane BASSIR-POUR.
Public affairs:
Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI): Marco MENSINK left his position on 15 March to take up his role as Director General Designate in CEFIC. He will replace Hubert MANDERY, who retires at the end of April. Mr MENSINK already joined Cefic on 15 March for a smooth transition. His appointment is pending ratification by the General Assembly which will be congregated on 7 October in Florence.
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News in a nutshell:
Slovakia: The ruling party of Robert FICO, Smer signed a coalition agreement with the centre-right parties Siet (Net) and Most-Hid (Bridge) and the far-right wing Slovak National Party (SNS). The cabinet will be probably sworn in next week once it is finalised. The S&D Group, which FICO’s party is politically affiliated to, called on the PES presidency to further discuss Smer's position, while President Gianni PITTELLA responded to the developments by saying that FICO should revise its new political alliance with the SNS.
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