Movers and Shakers | 23 September 2016

Keep track of developments in the European institutions and public affairs with our movers and shakers column. on 23 September 2016

By Ifigenia Balkoura

23 Sep 2016

Today's Movers & Shakers are about: the visit of President Schulz in London, the latest appointments in the Commission and more.

European Parliament:

President Martin SCHULZ (S&D, DE) was in London on Thursday 22 and Friday 23 September to meet UK Prime Minister Theresa MAY and London Mayor Sadiq KHAN. The German MEP talked to the Parliament Magazine about his visit and reiterated the principle of ‘no negotiation without notification’. Read more.

Claude MORAES (S&D, UK) led from 19 to 22 September a seven-strong delegation of MEPs from Parliament's civil liberties, justice and home affairs (LIBE) committee, who were in Lebanon to look into the situation of refugees and resettlement. Read more.

Substitutes of Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Daniel CASPARY (EPP, DE) joined the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (D-LAT).

Markus PIEPER (EPP, DE) joined the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO).

National parties:
: Anthea McIntyre (UK) was appointed as Vice-Chair of the Party with responsibility for Training.

MEPs appointments:
Ian DUNCAN (ECR, UK) was appointed to the Board of Advisers of the Schwarzenegger climate change Institute at the University of South California. Read more.

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European Commission:

On 19 September the Council of the EU supported the decision to appoint Julian King as Commissioner for Security Union. His appointment will run until 31 October 2019. Read more.

Directorates General
Competition (COMP):

Directorate H – State Aid, General Scrutiny and Enforcement: Max LIENEMEYER became acting Head of Unit, ‘Tax Planning Practices’.

European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO):
Directorate A – Emergency Management: Julia STEWARD-DAVID became acting Head of Unit, ‘Disaster Risk Reduction, European Voluntary Humanitarian Corps’, replacing Ian CLARK who moved to DG JRC. Ms STEWARD-DAVID was Deputy Head of the Unit.

Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA):
Directorate B – Investment and company reporting: Nathalie DE BASALDUA became acting Director replacing Erik NOOTEBOOM who was also acting in the role. Ms DE BASALDUA was previously Deputy Head of Cabinet to former Commissioner Jonathan HILL.

Joint Research Centre (JRC):
Directorate E – Space, Security and Migration: Ian CLARK became Head of Unit, ‘Disaster Risk Management’, replacing Ton DE GROEVE who was acting in the role.

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Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE):
Directorate A – Policy Development and Co-ordination: Fabrizio DONATELLA became acting Director replacing Ernesto PENAS LADO. Mr DONATELLA is Head of Unit, ‘Fisheries control policy’.

Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Luxembourg (OIL):
Marc BECQUET has been appointed as Director as of 1 November 2016. Mr BECQUET is currently Head of Unit, ‘Working Environment and Safety’, in the Budget and Human Resources Directorate-General.


General Court of the EU:

On 20 September Marc JAEGER was re-elected as President of the General Court and Marc VAN DER WOUDE became Vice-President, both for a period ending on 31 August 2019. Mr JAEGER has been President since 17 September 2007 and will now be serving a fourth term. Mr VAN DER WOUDE has been a Judge at the General Court since 13 September 2010.


Public affairs:

Cefic: Cristiana GABURRI was promoted from Director of Advocacy to Director of Public Affairs.

European Automobile Manufacturers' Association – ACEA: Joost VANTOMME was appointed as Director Smart Mobility. In his new duties, he will be dealing with the European landscape and negotiations on issues such as connected vehicles and self-driving cars. Mr VANTOMME comes from regulatory positions in regulated industries and associations.

Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!

European Leadership Network (ELN): Outgoing Representative of the UK to NATO, Sir Adam THOMSON KCMG was appointed as Director, replacing Ian KEARNS who resigned in July 2016. He will take up his new role in November. 

European Association of the Electricity Transmission & Distribution Equipment and Services Industry (T&D Europe): Nadi ASSAF was appointed as the new Secretary General, taking over from Oliver BLANK. ASSAF who played a great role in the establishment of T&D Europe, has served in the same position from 2008 to 2010. In his new role he will be supported by the Operations Director Pierre LUCAS and Laure DULIÈRE who recently joined the Secretariat as Policy Adviser.


News in a nutshell:

Enlargement: On 20 September the General Affairs Council invited the Commission to submit its opinion on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s application for membership of the EU. Bosnia and Herzegovina has been working on a Reform Agenda to unite and stabilise the country. The Commission will report on the progress that has been made since the country submitted its application to join the EU on 15 February 2016.

Slovenia: Mateja VRANIČAR ERMAN was appointed as the new Minister for Finance, replacing Dusan MRAMOR who resigned on 13 July due to personal reasons. Minister for European Cohesion Alenka SMERKOLJ was acting the role in the meantime.

Romania: The Social Democrat Party (PSD) announced that it will be running alone in the forthcoming general elections in December.  It will make alliances after the elections. PSD was in a coalition government with the National Union for the Progress of Romania and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats before its collapse in November 2015.



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Read the most recent articles written by Ifigenia Balkoura - Movers and Shakers | 26 November 2018