Today’s Movers & Shakers are about: Parliament's delegation bureas elected - full results, two Commissioner-designates blocked, the unexpected ECB resignation, UK Parliament back in business, the latest Commision, EEAS and public affairs appointments, and more!
European Parliament
Composition of Committees and Delegations
Japan Delegation (D-JP)
Jonás FERNÁNDEZ (S&D, ES), who was previously a substite, has left the committee.
Latin American Delegation (D-LAT)
Alexandra GEESE (Greens/EFA, DE) joins as a substitute.
People’s Republic of China Delegation (D-CN)
Jonás FERNÁNDEZ (S&D, ES) joins as a substite.
Delegation Bureaus
At the constitutive meetings on Thursday, most of the 44 interparliamentary delegations decided on their chairs and vice-chairs. Because Parliament’s diversity in terms of geography and gender must be reflected in the composition of each delegation (it is not permissible to have an all-male or all-female bureau or for both vice-chairs to come from the same member-state), some delegations have had to postpone finalising their bureaus until a future meeting.
ACP-EU Delegation (D_ACP)
Co-president: Carlos ZORRINHO (S&D, PT)
Albania Delegation (D-AL)
Vice-chairs: Bettina VOLLATH (S&D, AT), Vlad-Marius BOTOŞ (RE, RO)
Afghanistan Delegation (D-AF)
Vice-chairs: Clare DALY (GUE/NGL, IE). Second vice-chair to be elected at a future meeting.
Andean Community Delegation (D-AND)
Chair: Pilar del CASTILLO (EPP, ES)
Vice-chairs: Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA (RE, ES), Benoît BITEAU (GREENS/EFA, FR)
Arab Peninsula Delegation (D-ARP)
Vice-chairs: Caroline VOADEN (RE, UK), Marc TARABELLA (S&D, BE)
Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia Delegation (D-SCA)
Chair: Marina KALJURAND (S&D, EE)
Australia and New Zealand Delegation (D-ANZ)
Chair: Ulrike MÜLLER (RE, DE)
Vice-chairs: Axel VOSS (EPP, DE), Rory PALMER (S&D, UK)
Belarus Delegation (D-BY)
Chair: Robert BIEDROŃ (S&D, PL)
Vice-chair: Valdemar TOMAŠEVSKI (ECR, LT), Karin KARLSBRO (RE, SE)
Brazil Delegation (D-BR)
Chair: José Manuel FERNANDES (EPP, PT)
Vice-chairs: Manuel PIZARRO (S&D, PT), Anna CAVAZZINI (GREENS/EFA, DE)
Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosova Delegation (D-SEE)
Vice-chairs: election postponed until a future meeting.
Canada Delegation (D-CA)
Chair: Stéphanie YON-COURTIN (RE, FR)
Vice-chairs: Javier MORENO SÁNCHEZ (S&D, ES), Mircea HAVA (EPP, RO)
Central America Delegation (D-CAM)
Chair: Tilly METZ (GREENS/EFA, LU)
Vice-chairs: Javier NART (RE, ES), Jens GIESEKE (EPP, DE)
Central Asia Delegation (D-CAS)
Vice-chair: Andris AMERIKS (S&D, LV). Second vice-chair to be elected at a future meeting.
Euronest Delegation (D-EPA)
Co-president: Andrius KUBILIUS (EPP, LT)
India Delegation
Chair: Dinesh DHAMIJA (RE, UK)
Vice-chairs: Tudor CIUHODARU (S&D, RO), Cindy FRANSSEN (EPP, BE)
Iraq Delegation (D-IN)
Vice-chairs: Domènec RUIZ DEVESA (S&D, ES), Abir AL-SAHLANI (RE, SE)
Iran Delegation (D-IR)
Chair: Cornelia ERNST (GUE/NGL, DE)
Vice-chairs: Martin Horwood (RE, UK), Massimiliano SALINI (EPP, IT)
Israel Delegation (D-IL)
Vice-chairs: Bert-Jan RUISSEN (ECR, NL), Elena YONCHEVA (S&D, BU)
Japan Delegation (D-JP)
Chair: Neena GILL (S&D, UK)
Vice-chairs: Christel SCHALDEMOSE (S&D, DK). Second vice-chair to be elected at a future meeting.
Latin American Delegation (D-LAT)
Co-president: Javi LÓPEZ (S&D, ES)
Maghreb and the Arab-Maghreb Union Delegation (D-MAG)
Chair: Andrea COZZOLINO (S&D, IT)
Vice-chairs: Emmanuel MAUREL (GUE/NGL, FR). Second vice-chair to be elected at a future meeting.
Mashreq Delegation (D-MAS)
Chair: Isabel Santos (S&D, PT)
Vice-chairs: Erik MARQUARDT (GREENS/EFA, DE), Jeroen LENAERS (EPP, NL)
Mercosur Delegation (D-MER)
Chair: Stéphane SÉJOURNÉ (RE, FR)
Vice-chairs: Nicola DANTI (S&D, IT). Second vice-chair to be elected at a future meeting.
Moldova Delegation (D-MD)
Chair: Siegfried MUREŞAN (EPP, RO)
Vice-chairs: Tatjana ŽDANOKA (GREENS/EFA, LV), Ramona Victoria STRUGARIU (RE, RO)
Montenegro Delegation (D-ME)
Chair: Vladimír BILČÍK (EPP, SK)
Vice-chairs: Valter FLEGO (RE, HR), Petra KAMMEREVERT (S&D, DE)
NATO Delegation (D-NAT)
Chair: Kris PEETERS (EPP, BE)
Vice-chairs: Nathalie LOISEAU (RE, FR), Sven MIKSER (S&D, EE)
North Macedonia Delegation (D-MK)
Chair: Andreas SCHIEDER (S&D, AT)
Vice-chairs: Irena JOVEVA (RE, SI), Marion WALSMANN (EPP, DE)
Palestine Delegation (D-PAL)
Chair: Manu PINEDA (GUE/NGL, ES)
Vice-chairs: Evin INCIR (S&D, SE), Margrete AUKEN (GREENS/EFA, DK)
People's Republic of China Delegation (D-CN)
Vice-chairs: Evelyne GEBHARDT (S&D, DE), Maria SPYRAKI (EPP, EL)
Russia Delegation (D-RU)
Chair: Ryszard CZARNECKI (ECR, PL)
Vice-chairs: Elsi KATAINEN (RE, FI), Peter POLLÁK (EPP, SK)
Serbia Delegation (D-RS)
Chair: Tanja FAJON (S&D, SI)
Vice-chairs: Franc BOGOVIČ (EPP, SI), Petros KOKKALIS (GUE/NGL ,EL)
South Asia Delegation (D-SAS)
Chair: Nosheena MOBARIK (ECR, UK)
Vice-chairs: John HOWARTH (S&D, UK), Milan ZVER (EPP, SI)
South Africa Delegation (D-ZA)
Chair: Magdalena ADAMOWICZ (EPP, PL)
Vice-chairs: Marlene MORTLER (EPP, DE), Joachim SCHUSTER (S&D, DE)
Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and EEA Delegation (D-EEA)
Chair: Andreas SCHWAB (EPP, DE)
Vice-chairs: Sven GIEGOLD (GREENS/EFA, DE), Claudia GAMON (RE, AT)
Turkey Delegation (D-TR)
Vice-chairs Ilhan KYUCHYUK (RE, BU), Özlem DEMIREL (GUE/NGL, DE)
Ukraine Delegation (D-UA)
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European Commission
The European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee has blocked the appointment of two Commissioners-designate: László TRÓCSÁNYI (HU, EPP) and Rovana PLUMB (RO, S&D) after a majority of members felt that they couldn’t confirm that either didn’t have financial conflict of interests. Approval from the Committee is a new requirement before the full Committee hearings can go ahead.
Baudouin BAUDRU has been appointed the Acting Head of the Commission Representation in Paris, France, replacing Isabelle JÉGOUZO.
Marko VUKOVIĆ is the new Press Officer for the Commission Representation in Slovenia, replacing Maja PAVLOVIČ.
Commissioners-designate cabinets
President-elect Ursula Von der Leyen
Eric MAMER, a senior French EU official will head the spokespersons’ service as Chief Commission Spokesperson when VON DER LEYEN takes office. MAMER’s deputy will be Dana SPINANT. Jens FLOSDORFF will assume the role of executive communication adviser.
European External Action Service
Representations and Delegations
Andrea WIKTORIN has been appointed Ambassador and Head of the EEAS Delegation to Armenia, replacing Piotr ŚWITALSKI.
Vincent PIKET is the new Ambassador-designate for Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.
Giorgio ALIBERTI is the new Ambassador-designate for Vietnam.
Want to know more? Click here for more information on our Dods People EU service.
European Central Bank
German senior board member, Sabine LAUTENSCHLÄGER, unexpectedly resigned on Wednesday evening. LAUTENSCHLÄGER, who is on the bank’s executive board and governing council, will resign from her position on 31 October more than two years before her eight-year term had been due to end.
Public Affairs
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)
At its General Assembly on 23 September, Crister FRITZSON was reconfirmed as chair. Andreas MATTHÄ, Oliver WOLFF, Marc WENGLER and Erik LAIDVEE will act as vice-chairs.
Medicines for Europe
Christoph STOLLER has been elected as President for a two-year period. He replaces outgoing president Marc-Alexander MAHL.
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National News
Austria will go to the polls on Sunday in an early General Election. The poll was triggered following the collapse of the People’s Party (ÖVP, EPP) and Freedom Party (ID) led by ÖVP leader Sebastian KURZ following publication of a video of then Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian STRACHE discussion proposed underhand tactics with Russian businessmen. The current government, led by Brigitte BIERLEIN, is a non-partisan caretaker government that will serve until a new administration is formed.
The Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday that the Prorogation of Parliament was unlawful, agreeing with the Scottish Court of Session. They ruled that since Parliament was never legally suspended, then it was up to the Speakers of both Houses to decide when parliament would sit, and that the previous session would continue. Speaker of the House John BERCOW then reconvened Parliament at 11.30 on Tuesday.
The government may have lost its majority in the parliament, following the expulsion of Wybren VAN HAGA from the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (ALDE) due to conflict of interest issues with his property business. VAN HAGA has not said whether he will resign or remain as an Independent and if he does then the government shall have to rely on opposition MPs to get a majority in the Dutch parliament.
Jerzy KWIECIŃSKI who is currently Minister for Investment and Economic Development, will add finance to his portfolio. Poland does not have a minister of economy and economic issues fall under the responsibility of a few different ministers; however oversight of the country’s economy usually falls under the remit of prime minister, Mateusz MORAWIECKI. The nomination of KWIECIŃSKI is meant to appease fears of potential investors, as he is considered to be an apolitical technocrat.
Iztok PURIČ, the Minister for Development, Strategic projects and Cohesion, has resigned for “personal” reasons.

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