European Parliament:
Peter ERIKSSON (Greens/EFA, SE) left the Parliament to take on his new role as Minister of Housing and Digitalisation, following a reshuffle in the Swedish cabinet. Jakop DALUNDE will replace him.
Vice-Chairs of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Zbigniew KUŹMIUK (ECR, PL) was elected 2nd Vice-Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), replacing Janusz WOJCIECHOWSKI (ECR, PL) who recently left the parliament.
Substitutes of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Inés AYALA SENDER (S&D, ES) joined the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS).
Sergio GUTIÉRREZ PRIETO (S&D, ES) left the Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (EMIS).
Nikolay BAREKOV (ECR, BU), Kosma ZŁOTOWSKI (ECR, PL) and Bolesław PIECHA (ECR, PL) joined the Delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (ENVI).
Tanja FAJON (S&D, SI) was appointed rapporteur for the visa liberalisation for Kosovo and Mariya GABRIEL (EPP, BU) for Ukraine, while Angelika MLINAR (ALDE, AT) group was nominated by the FEMM Committee as standing rapporteur on gender mainstreaming.
European Commission:
Dimitris AVRAMOPOULOS team: Polykarpos ADAMIDIS and Eleni ROMAIDOU left their position as expert and member respectively. Konstantinos CHATZIFOTIS and Francesco LUCIANI joined as members.
Carlos MOEDAS team: Tânia FRAZÃO NUNES and José MENDES BOTA left their roles as members, while Manuel ALEIXO and Manuel NOBRE GONÇALVES joined as members.
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Directorates General:
Competition (COMP):
Tommaso VALLETTI has been appointed as Chief Economist for DG COMP. He is a member of DG Competition’s Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy. He will begin the role on 1 September 2016, replacing Massimo MOTTA.
Research and Innovation (RTD):
Anna PANAGOPOULOU has been appointed Director of the ‘Common Support Centre’, starting date to be decided. She will join DG RTD from the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) where she has been Head of Department for Programme Support and Resources since 2014.
European Central Bank (ECB):
Jiří RUSNOK has been appointed Governor of the Czech National Bank for a term of six years starting on 1 July 2016. He will replace the current governor Miroslav SINGER, whose mandate will expire on 30 June 2016 and cannot be extended. Mr RUSNOK will replace Mr SINGER in the ECB General Council.
Public affairs:
Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!
European Central Securities Depositories Association (ECSDA): Mathias PAPENFUß was re-elected as Chair for a three-year term.
Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC): Eddie O’CONNOR has been appointed as its new Global Ambassador.
News in a nutshell:
Member states:
Bulgaria: Zornitsa RUSINOVA was sworn in as Minister for Labour and Social Policy, taking over from Ivailo KALFIN.
Romania: Vlad VOICULESC was appointed as the new Health Minister, replacing Patriciu ACHIMAS-CADARIU, who resigned over the hospital disinfectants scandal. Prime Minister Dacian CIOLOȘ shortly acted the role in the meantime.
Slovenia: Tone PERŠAK became the new Culture minister, replacing Minister without a portfolio for Slovenians abroad, Gorazd ŽMAVC, who was temporarily acting the role. Prior to this, Julijana BIZJAK MLAKAR, stepped down over a dispute on the UNESCO-listed Idrija mercury mine.
Sweden: Prime Minister Stefan LÖFVEN, Social Democratic Party (S&D) announced the new composition of his cabinet following a heavy reshuffle. Three new members entered the cabinet and new assignments shifted among the current ministries. Ann LINDE, Social Democratic Party was appointed as EU Minister, a role that did not exist prior to the reshuffle. Greens MEP Peter ERIKSSON returned to Sweden to fill the housing and digitalisation ministry that was vacant after Mehmet KAPLAN resigned. Karolina SKOG took the reins of the environment ministry, a role that was held previously by Åsa ROMSON, who was also deputy prime minister and now has left the government.
Candidate countries:
Turkey: The new Prime Minister Binali YILDIRIM, Justice and Development Party (AECR) announced his new government. Among other cabinet changes, Omer CELIK was appointed as EU Affairs Minister and Chief Negotiator, replacing Volkan BOZKIR.

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