Movers and Shakers | 4 April 2016

Keep track of developments in the European institutions and public affairs with our movers and shakers column. on 4 April 2016

By Ifigenia Balkoura

01 Apr 2016

European Parliament:

Political groups:
S&D: President Gianni PITTELLA (IT) led a delegation to Addis Ababa from Wednesday 30 March to Friday 1 April to discuss the importance of EU-African relations. Norbert NEUSER (DE), Coordinator of the Development Committee and Cécile KYENGE (IT), Vice Chair of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly joined PITELLA who called for stronger partnership between EU and Africa to address global challenges.  

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European Commission:


Internal Audit Service (IAS):
Directorate B – Audit in Commission and Executive Agencies I: Christoph NERLICH became the new Head of Unit B.4, replacing Cosmin NEGUT who was acting in the role.

Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels:

Department – Real Estate: Jaky MARTEAU became Head of the RE.1 - Implementation of Real Estate policy, Real Estate Assets and Project Management Unit, replacing Leszek MADEJA. The latter became the new Head of RE.3 Energy, EMAS, IT systems and Logistical Support Unit, replacing Philippe DE MEY at who was acting in the position.

Representations to the Member States:
Poland: Ex Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU, Marek PRAWDA was appointed as the new Head of the Commission Representation in Warsaw, as of 1 April.

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General Court:

The following persons were re-appointed Judges from 1 September 2016 to 31 August 2022:

Dimitrios GRATSIAS (EL),

Krystyna KOWALIK-BAŃCZYK (PL) and Paul NIHOUL (BE) were appointed Judges for the same period.  

In accordance with the reform of the General Court the following persons have been appointed by the member states’ governments by 31 August 2016:

Constantinos ILIOPOULOS (EL),
Zoltán CSEHI (HU)

Virgilijus VALANČIUS (LT) and Leopoldo CALVO-SOTELO IBÁÑEZ-MARTÍN (ES) were also appointed Judges for a term by 31 August 2019.  This is due to the need for partial renewal every three years. Another five Judges are to be appointed in order to complete the first stage of the reform of the General Court.


Public affairs:

Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP): Céline CHARVERIAT was appointed as the new Executive Director of the Institute. She will take up her new role as of June 2016 and will succeed David BALDOCK who stepped down.

Hering Schuppener: Nikolaus TACKE took up his new role as Managing Director of the Brussels office on 1 April. Mr TACKE who was previously Director Public Affairs and Government Relations Europe for the Coca-Cola Company, succeeds Christopher BERTRAM in the reins of the Brussels office.

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News in a nutshell:

Italy: Minister for Industry, Federica GUIDI, Independent resigned amid allegations of a conflict of interest on 31 March. Ms GUIDI was accused of pressuring the parliament to pass legislation that would help her partner’s business.



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Read the most recent articles written by Ifigenia Balkoura - Movers and Shakers | 26 November 2018