Today's Movers & Shakers are about: the latest appointments in the Commission and public affairs, brexit, the new government of Spain, the presidential elections in Bulgaria, the reshuffle of the Greek cabinet and more.
European Parliament:
Members of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Brian CROWLEY (ECR, IE) left the Delegation for relations with the United States (D-US).
Emma McCLARKIN (ECR, UK) joined the Delegation for relations with the United States (D-US).
Morten LØKKEGARD (ALDE, DK) has replaced Robert ROCHEFORT (ALDE, FR) as the rapporteur for the “Proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States as regards the accessibility requirements for products and services”.
European Commission:
Directorates General:
Energy (ENER):
EURATOM Supply Agency: Marian O’LEARY became Director replacing Stamatios TSALAS.
Joint Research Centre (JRC):
Directorate A – Strategy and Work Programme Coordination: Patrice LEMAITRE became Head of Unit, ‘Resource Planning’, replacing Jacques VAN OOST. Mr LEMAITRE was previously Head of the budget unit in the Research and Innovation Directorate General.
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Latest news:
The European Commission's ad-hoc ethical committee has ruled that former Commission President José Manuel BARROSO has not broken any rules by taking up a top job at Goldman Sachs. Read more.
Commissioner Günther H. OETTINGER released a statement on 3 November apologising for causing offense following comments he made towards women, homosexuals, Chinese and Walloons in Belgium.
Permanent Representations:
Portugal: Pedro LOURTIE became the new Deputy Permanent Representative in the beginning of October, replacing Rosa BATORÉU.
Committee of the Regions (CoR):
National Delegations:
Czech Republic: Josef NOVOTNÝ (PES) and Jana VAŇHOVÁ (PES) left their positions as Members. Jiři ROZBOŘIL (PES) left his position as Alternate Member.
Germany: Uta-Maria KUDER (EPP) left her position as Member.
Public Affairs:
Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!
Europe Analytica: Elena LAI was appointed as the new Head of Office. In her new role, she will be acting as an Account Director, focusing on audiovisual and media issues and will be responsible for business development.
News in a nutshell:
Brexit: UK government lost a landmark High Court case on Thursday 3 November on triggering Article 50. A trio of judges found that Theresa MAY was not entitled to kick of the process of leaving the EU without first consulting MPs and peers. Read more. However the Government has announced it will appeal the case to the Supreme Court. Read more. First Minister Nicola STURGEON said the Scottish government could join the court fight to stop Theresa May's triggering Article 50 without parliamentary approval. Read more. Read the reactions to High Court ruling on Article 50 from PoliticsHome here.
Bulgaria: Bulgaria: The presidential election was held on Sunday 6 November. A referendum was also held on changes to the electoral system and the funding of the political parties. Parliament Speaker and candidate of the ruling GERB party, Tsetska TSACHEVA secured 21.9% of the votes in the first round, while Socialist-backed Rumen RADEV 25.7%. The runoff is scheduled for 13 November.
Greece: Prime Minister Alexis TSIPRAS, Syriza (GUE/NGL) announced a cabinet reshuffle on Friday 4 November. The reshuffle came after the government’s defeat in the controversial television licenses auction bill and ahead of the conclusion of a key bailout review. The reshuffle saw Labour Minister and former MEP Giorgos KATROUGKALOS becoming the new Minister for European Affairs. He was replaced by 31 years-old Effie ACHTSIOGLOU. Minister for Economy, Giorgos STATHAKIS was appointed as Minister for Energy, replacing Panos SKOURLETIS, who was opposing the privatization of the public power corporation. Dimitris PAPADIMITRIOU was appointed as the new Economy Minister. Euclid TSAKALOTOS and Nikos KOTZIAS remain the Finance and Foreign Ministers respectively.
Romania: Dragoş Cristian DINU was appointed the new Minister for European Funds on 27 October, replacing Cristian GHINEA, who resigned to run in the upcoming elections as a Save Romania Union candidate.
Spain: Mariano RAJOY was sworn in as Prime Minister for a second term on Monday 31 October, ending the ten-month political deadlock. Permanent Representative to the EU Alfonso DASTIS was appointed as the new Foreign Minister, replacing José Manuel GARCÍA MARGALLO.