AnimalhealthEurope welcomes alignment and finalisation of EU rules to support animal health
AnimalhealthEurope applauds efforts to finalise new rules that will bring real benefits to both pets on long-term medication and their owners, as well as a more optimal, efficient and responsible administration of medicines via animal feed, supporting efforts to curb antibiotic resistance.
“We congratulate the Bulgarian Presidency and Parliament in reaching an agreement on the rules for placing on the market medicated feed in Europe and achieving alignment with the new EU Regulation on animal medicines. The finalisation of these two important pieces of legislation puts the industry in Europe in a much better position to ensure a ready availability of all kinds of animal health products throughout Europe to optimise health management, while contributing to the sustainability of food production. And for the companion animals that share 80 million homes in Europe, this will help owners to keep them healthy, while also offering new ways to treat chronic diseases,” commented Roxane Feller, AnimalhealthEurope Secretary General.
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