Euroconsumers' post-election pulse: Unraveling consumers' high hopes, great expectations and clear wish list

How can Europe’s politicians fight for a future fit for consumers? Euroconsumers latest Election Fever report and Affordability Barometer dive into the details

By Euroconsumers

Gathering five national consumer organisations and giving voice to a total of more than 1,5 million people in Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Brazil, Euroconsumers is the world’s leading consumer cluster in innovative information, personalised services and defence of consumer rights. Our European member organisations are part of the umbrella network of BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation. Together we advocate for EU policies that benefit consumers in their daily lives.

04 Jul 2024

The Euroconsumers’ Election Fever Report, a comprehensive survey spanning Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal, reveals citizens' hopes, fears, and expectations. Despite the often complex and misunderstood relationship between the EU and its citizens, the report highlights high hopes, even greater expectations, and a clear wish list for the next five years.

The quest for affordable sustainability

Sustainability remains a top priority for consumers, who look to the EU for action. Despite mixed reviews of the Green Deal so far, 65% of respondents emphasise the importance of EU policies for a green transition. At the same time they call for affordable alternatives in food, energy, and mobility, which rank high on consumers’ priority list.



Focus on consumers’ wallets  

Affordability is a major concern beyond sustainability. Cost of living reigns as the top worry, with a clear call from consumers to ensure access to affordable medicines, food, and sustainable energy. Financial stability also significantly influences perceptions of the EU's performance and its impact on citizens' lives.


Survival budgets

The focus on consumers’ wallets shouldn’t come as a surprise. Euroconsumers’ Consumer Affordability Barometer, surveying over 17,000 consumers annually, shows that survival budgets are becoming the norm. Many consumers struggle to pay for basics like food or healthcare, with little left to save. At best they survey but few of them are able to thrive. Extra costs or price increases are a challenge for many, highlighting the need for concrete support in the green transition.


A safe, scam-free and empowering digital world

74% of respondents want the EU to tackle online financial scams, and 72% stress the need to prevent AI from spreading fake or misleading content. Protecting minors on platforms, enhancing cybersecurity, and giving consumers control over their data are equally rated as very important. 


Europe, show us what you’ve got!

Consumers' top priorities are clear: affordable sustainability, safe and empowering digitisation, and a competitive market with affordable products and services. The newly elected European Parliament has a clear mandate: Europe, we count on you!

Everyone who wants to grasp these consumer priorities as an opportunity to foster a more trusting and supportive relationship with the EU’s citizens will find a partner in Euroconsumers to deliver, to empower people and to improve the market.

Empower people, improve the market

Euroconsumers aims to empower people to improve the market and foster growth for a sustainable, digital, and affordable future. Empowerment is jeopardized when consumers live on the financial edge, merely surviving, not thriving, in a world lacking trustworthy digital frameworks. Policymakers must align with consumers to help them regain stability and trust.

Read the full Euroconsumers Elections Report here or visit their Affordability Barometer here.

