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European Parliament
MEP News
Chiara Gemma (IT, NI) has left Movimento 5 Stelle to join Insieme per il futuro.
European Commission
Directorates-General and Services
Informatics (DIGIT)
Veronica Gaffey is the new Deputy Director-General (Bxl).
Maria Beatriz Sanz Redrado replaces Petra Kneuer as Director of Directorate A (Strategy and Resources).
Lucja Adamczyk-Dobbelstein replaces Frederic Alexandre as Head of Unit C5 (Digital Workplace Support).
Migration and Home Affairs (HOME)
Ute Stiegel replaces Stephen Ryan as Head of Unit A4 (Enforcement, Transparency and Rule of Law Monitoring).
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Other EU Institutions and Agencies
Committee of the Regions
Vasco Cordeiro has been elected as the President for the next two and a half years, replacing Apostolos Tzitzikostas.
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Åsa Larson has been re-elected as the Executive Director of Insurance at the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen, as member of the EIOPA’s Management Board.
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