Movers and Shakers | 20 May 2022

Today’s Movers & Shakers is about: New Slovenian MEP, Commissioner Cabinet news, France’s new Prime Minister and more!

By Nisa Khan

Nisa Khan is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

19 May 2022

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European Parliament

MEP News
Matjaž Nemec (SI, S&D) replaces Tanja Fajon (SI, S&D).

European Commission

Commissioner Cabinets

Cabinet of Mariya Gabriel
Lauriane Bertrand replaces Guglielmo di Cola as a Member of Cabinet. She will take over his responsibilities which include cultural and creative sectors, the digital single market and industrial policy.

Cabinet of Jutta Urpilainen
Suvi Leinonen joins the team as a Member of Cabinet. Her responsibilities include the European Green Deal, forests and agriculture and cohesion policy/regional funding.

Directorates-General and Services

Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)
Bonifacio García Porras replaces Birgit Weidel as Head of Unit A2 (SMEs). Aurora Mordonu is now in García Porras’ previous role as Head of Unit I4 (Member States) in an acting capacity while Weidel is Head of Unit EISMEA I (Innovation, Ecosystems, SMP/ Entrepreneurship and Consumers).

Migration and Home Affairs (HOME)
Mari Juritsch is the new Return Coordinator.

Health and Food Safety (SANTE)
Martin Dorazil replaces Ioanna-Maria Gligor as Head of Unit B3 (Digital Health, European Reference Networks) in an acting capacity.

Administration & Payment of Individual Entitlements (PMO)
Anya Oram replaces Alexander Gemberg-Wiesike as Head of Unit (Rights and Salaries) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.

Secretariat-General (SG)
Christopher Becher is the new Head of Unit A4 (Briefings for the President and Vice-Presidents).
Ioanna-Maria Gligor is the new Head of Unit E4 (Health, Education and Culture).

Trade (TRADE)
Dora Correia replaces Ewa Synowiec as Director as Directorate C (Africa, Caribbean and Pacific, Asia (II), Trade and Sustainable Development, Green Deal) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.

Other EU Institutions and Agencies

European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE)
Andrea Vallejo Galarza of Johnson Controls has replaced Jürgen Fischer of Danfoss as Chair.

Plastics Europe
Marco ten Bruggencate, Commercial Vice President for Packaging and Specialty Plastics EMEA at Dow, has replaced Dr Markus Steilemann, CEO of Covestro, as the President of the voice of plastics manufacturers in Europe.

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National News

Elisabeth Borne, Minister for Labour, Employment and Integration, has been appointed as the country’s first female Prime Minister in 30 years. She has replaced Jean Castex who handed in his resignation.

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Read the most recent articles written by Nisa Khan - Movers and Shakers | 1 July 2022

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