Movers and Shakers | 4 February 2021

Today’s Movers & Shakers is about: A new German MEP, new Deputy Director-Generals, Portugal’s new Ministers, and more!

By Nisa Khan

Nisa Khan is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

04 Feb 2022


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European Parliament

MEP News
René Repasi (S&D, DE) has joined the European Parliament.
Maxette Pirbakas (NI, FR) has left the Identity and Democracy Group to become a Non-attached Member.
Jörg Meuthen (ID, DE) has left the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party.

European Commission

Directorates-General and Services

Communication (COMM)
Vivian Loonela replaces Keit Kasemets as the Head of Representation (Estonia).

Competition (COMP)
Ben Smulders replaces Karl Soukup as the Deputy Director-General of Directorate (State Aid) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.

Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)
Stephanie Pamies Giuseppe Carone Head of Unit C2 (Sustainability of Public Finances and Public Expenditure Trends).
Moreno Bertoldi replaces Norbert Wunner as Head of Unit D4 (Global Economy) in an acting capacity.

Informatics (DIGIT)
Grzegorz Minczakiewicz replaces Ken Ducatel as the Director of Directorate S (IT Security) in an acting capacity.
Leontina Sandu replaces Max Strotmann as Head of Unit D2 (Interoperability) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.

Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW)
Fabrice Terrac replaces Mark Nicklas as Head of Unit A3 (International Value Chains) in an acting capacity.
Mark Nicklas replaces Joanna Szychowska Head of Unit I2 (Mobility).

Legal service (SJ)
Clemens Ladenburger is the new Deputy Director-General.

Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE)
Kestutis Sadauskas is the new Deputy Director-General.

Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO)
Emma Toledano Laredo replaces Normunds Popens as Director of Directorate F (Better Implementation, Closure and Programme Implementation III).
Monika Hencsey replaces Agnés Monfret as Head of Unit A2 (Communication) in an acting capacity. Monfret is the new Head of Unit E3 (Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia) replacing Aurelio Cecilio.
Catherine Wendt replaces Nicola De Michielis as Head of Unit G1 (Smart and Sustainable Growth) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.

Trade (TRADE)
Joanna Szychowska replaces Christophe Kiener as Director of Directorate B (Asia (I), Services and Digital Trade, Investment and Intellectual Property) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.

Other EU Institutions and Agencies

European Aluminium
Paul Voss has been appointed as Director General, replacing Gerd Götz. Voss previously worked as the Managing Director for Euroheat and Power and has over two decades of experience in the Brussels and energy sector.

European Banking Authority (EBA)
Marilin Pikaro has been appointed as the new Director of the Innovation, Conduct and Consumers Department. She will take up her new role on 1 March 2022 and is currently a Special Adviser to the European Commission.

European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR)
Giedre Kvedaraviciene has replaced Danny Van Roijen as the Digital Health Director. Kvedaraviciene previously worked as the Innovation Development Manager at the Centre for Innovative Medicine in Lithuania and has more than a decade of experience in healthcare and business.  

Specialised Nutrition Europe (SNE)
Beat Späth is the new Secretary General, replacing Estrella Bengio. Späth was previously at BASF as their Market Acceptance Manager (EMEA) as well as EuropaBio, where he served as Director for Green Biotechnology.

Permanent Representations

Jurga Kasputienė replaces Simonas Šatūnas as Deputy Permanent Representative.

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National News

Sergio Mattarella has been re-elected as the President, winning the vote of 759 of the 1009 presidential electors.

The Socialist Party and António Costa won Sunday’s snap parliamentary elections, with 41.7% and 117 seats, securing an absolute majority in parliament. Subsequently, two new Ministers were appointed with Mário Centeno replacing João Leão as the Minister for Finance and José António Vieira da Silva replacing Ana Mendes Godinho as the Minister for Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.

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Read the most recent articles written by Nisa Khan - Movers and Shakers | 1 July 2022

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