Movers and Shakers | 5 November 2021

Today’s Movers & Shakers are about: The Spinelli Group’s new president, the Transport and Tourism Committee’s new vice-chair, Bulgaria’s Minister for Justice, Commission news, and more!

By Nisa Khan

Nisa Khan is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

04 Nov 2021

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European Parliament

MEP news

Daniel Freund (Greens/EFA, DE) has been appointed as the new president of the Spinelli Group, replacing Brando Benifei (S&D, IT). The informal intergroup is made up of 72 MEPS who support the idea of a federal and united Europe.

Committees and Delegations

Vice Chairs
Jens Gieseke (EPP, DE) joins the Transport and Tourism Committee (TRAN).

Georgios Kyrtsos (EPP, GR) joins the Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the European Union, including Disinformation Special Committee (INGE).

European Commission

Commissioner Cabinets

Cabinet of Helena Dalli
Joseph Vella has replaced Neil Kerr as Head of Cabinet.

Directorates-General and Services

Competition (COMP)
Alberto Bacchiega replaces Thomas Kramler as Director of Directorate C (Markets and Cases II Information, Communication and Media). Barbara Brandtner replaces Bacchiega’s position as Director of Directorate D (Markets and Cases III Financial services) in an acting capacity.

Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN)
Antongiulio Marin replaces Giorgio Chiarion Casoni as Head of Unit L3 (InvestEU implementation) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.

International Partnerships (INTPA)
Myriam Ferran replaces Marjeta Jager as Deputy Director-General (Responsible for Directorates A, B and C) who was covering the role in an acting capacity. Ferran was previously the Director of Directorate A (Strategy and Turkey) for the Directorate General, Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations.
Laurent Sarazin replaces Enrique Lobera Argüelles as Head of Unit A6 (Finance and Contracts). Lobera replaces José Izarra Aguado as Head of Unit C4 (Finance and Contracts). Fiona Ramsey takes over Sarazin’s role as Head of Unit D1 (Effective Development Policy and Team Europe) in an acting capacity.
Antti Karhunen replaces Erica Gerretsen as Director of Directorate E (Sustainable Finance, Investment and Jobs, Economy that works for the People) who was covering the position in an acting capacity.

Interpretation (SCIC)
Hannah Nielsen replaces Katarina Skačániová as Head of Unit (Danish Interpretation) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.
Silvana Rossiathanassopoulo replaces Paolo Torrigiani Head of Unit (Italian Interpretation) in an acting capacity.
Daniel Pashley replaces Evgenia Paparouni as Head of Unit (Swedish Interpretation) who was covering the role in an acting capacity.
Riikka Vepsalainen replaces Veijo Kruth as Head of Unit (Finnish Interpretation).
Margo Sijs replaces Dominique Stevens as Head of Unit (Dutch Interpretation).

Translation (DGT)
Stella Clarke replaces Charles Groutage as Head of Unit (English Language Department) in an acting capacity.

Other EU Institutions and Agencies

Permanent Representations

Giovanna Perri replaces Bianca Giannini in the Economic and Financial Affairs Unit.
Giuseppe Sorbo replaces Bruno Severa in the Justice and Home Affairs Unit.

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National News

Ivan Demerdzhiev, former Deputy Minister for Justice, replaces Yanaki Stoilov as Minister for Justice. Stoilov has been appointed as Judge of the Constitutional Court.

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Read the most recent articles written by Nisa Khan - Movers and Shakers | 1 July 2022

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