Movers and Shakers | 6 June 2016

Keep track of developments in the European institutions and public affairs with our movers and shakers column. on 6 June 2016

By Ifigenia Balkoura

06 Jun 2016

European Parliament:  

Gabrielius LANDSBERGIS (EPP, LT) left his seat on 12 May to focus on campaigning ahead of October’s general elections in Lithuania. Laima Liucija ANDRIKIENĖ (EPP, LT) officially joined the Parliament on 30 May to replace him. ANDRIKIENĖ is not new in Brussels as she was an MEP from 2004 to 2014.

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Substitutes of the Committees, Subcommittees and the Delegations:
Mariya GABRIEL (EPP, BU), Michaela ŠOJDROVÁ (EPP, CZ), Joachim ZELLER (EPP, DE), Ádám KÓSA (EPP, HU), Elisabetta GARDINI (EPP, IT), Ivan ŠTEFANEC (EPP, SK) and Luis de GRANDES PASCUAL (EPP, ES) joined the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI).

Seán KELLY (EPP, IE) joined the Delegation for relations with the United States (D-US).

Jérôme LAVRILLEUX (EPP, FR) left the Committee on Petitions (PETI) and joined the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO).

Isabella DE MONTE (S&D, IT) left the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) and joined the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE).

Yana TOOM (ALDE, EE) left the Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (D-MAG) and joined the Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-CL) and the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (D-LAT).

Enrique CALVET CHAMBON (ALDE, ES) left the Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-CL) and the Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (D-LAT) and joined the Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (D-MAG).


European Commission:

Directorates General:

Communication (COMM):
Directorate A – Strategy and Corporate Communications: Mr Ioan-Petru VASCAN became acting Head of Unit, A.2 Corporate Communication Contracts and Services, replacing Alain DUMORT. Mr DUMORT was appointed as the new Head of the European Commission Regional Office in Marseille (see bellow).

Competition (COMP):
Strategy, Delivery and Evaluation: Téa Katarina BROMS became acting Head of Unit following Tatjana VERRIER’s appointment as Director, Resources at the Commission Secretariat-General on 1 June 2016.
Directorate H – State Aid, General Scrutiny and Enforcement: Christina SIATERLI became Head of Unit, F.3 Fiscal Aid, replacing Jean-Marc Huez who was acting in the role.

Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN):
Directorate D – International Economic and Financial Relations, Global Governance: Uwe STAMM became Head of Unit, D.1 Candidates and pre-Candidate Countries having been ‘acting’ Head since January 2016.

Energy (ENER) and Mobility and Transport (MOVE):
SRD – Shared Resource Directorate: Vincitore ROGERO became Head of Unit, SRD5 Document Management, replacing Marie WOLFCARIUS.

European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF):
Directorate A – Investigations I: Lara DOBINSON became Head of Unit, A.1 EU Staff, replacing Eduardo Cano Romera. Ms DOBINSON moved in to her new role from Directorate B – Investigations II, where she was Head of Unit, B.1 Trade Customs Fraud.
Directorate B – Investigations II: Harald SONNBERGER became Head of Unit, B.1 Customs and Trade Fraud, replacing Lara DOBINSON. Mr SONNBERGER moved from Directorate C – Investigation Support, where he was Head of Unit, C.3 Operational Analysis and Digital Forensics.
Directorate C – Investigation Support: Eduardo Cano Romera became Head of Unit, C.3 Operational Analysis and Digital Forensics, replacing Harald SONNBERGER.

Health and Food Safety (SANTE):
Directorate B – Health Systems, Medical Products and Innovation: Anna Eva AMPELAS became Head of Unit, B2 Health in All Policies, Global Health, Tobacco Control, filling a previous vacant position.

Human Resources and Security (HR):
Directorate C - Talent Management and Diversity - Executive Staff: Susan PANTER became Head of Unit, C.1 Senior Management and CCA, replacing Martine Lévêque. Ms PANTER moves from Directorate R where she was Head of Unit, R.1 Local HR.
Directorate R – Shared Resource Services: Giancarlo GRANERO became Head of Unit, R.1 Local HR replacing Susan PANTER.

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Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (GROW):
Directorate A – Unit, A.1 Strategic Planning and Policy Coordination has moved out of Directorate A and has been renamed ‘Strategic Planning and Delivery’. The Unit now reports directly to Director-General Lowri EVANS.

Mobility and Transport (MOVE):
Directorate A – Policy Coordination and Security: Per HAUGAARD has been appointed as Director, with the start date to be confirmed. Mr HAUGAARD is currently serving as acting Director as well as Head of Unit, A.1 Planning, Communication and Inter-institutional Relations.

Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR):
Directorate B – Neighbourhood South: Michael MILLER became Head of Unit, B.1 Middle East, replacing Begona BRAVO HEVIA who was acting in the role.
Directorate D – Western Balkans: Genoveva RUIZ CALAVERA became Director, replacing Catherine WENDT who was acting in the role. MS WENDT continues in her position as Head of Unit, Serbia. Ms RUIZ CALAVERA moves from her role as Head of Unit, FPI.4 Partnership Instrument, at the service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI).

Office for Infrastructure and Logistics, Brussels (OIB):
Logistics and Services – Catering: Carole MICMACHER-GRANDCOLAS became Head of Unit, replacing Department Director Erik HALSKOV who was acting in the role. Ms MICMACHER-GRANDCOLAS joins DG OIB from the Council of the European Union where she was Head of Unit, Catering, in the Protocol/Conferences directorate.

Secretariat-General (SG):
Directorate R – Resources: Tatjana VERRIER began her appointment as Director, replacing Henrik KERSTING who was acting in the role and continues in his role as Head of Unit, Human and Financial Resources. Ms VERRIER joins the Secretariat-General from DG COMP.

Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD):
Directorate R – Resources: Director-General Stephen QUEST has become acting Director of Resources following Miroslaw ZIELINSKI’s secondment to the World Customs Organisation (WCO).

Trade (TRADE):
Directorate A – Resources, information and Policy Coordination: Ricardo AGUDO VIVAS left his position as Head of Unit, A4 Information Technology and IT Systems. The position is currently vacant.

Luxembourg: Yuriko Nadia BACKES was appointed as the new Head of the Representation as of 1 September, replacing Guy BERG.

Romania: Roxana MOREA became Press Officer for the Bucharest office, replacing Mihai ROSIORU.

Regional offices:
Bonn, Germany
: Jochen PÖTTGEN was appointed as the new Head as of 1 June, replacing Stephan KOPPELBERG. Prior to this appointment, Mr PÖTTGEN was International Relations Officer responsible for Diplomatic Trade Relations with third countries.

Marseille, France: Alain DUMORT was appointed as the new Head of office. He took up office on 1 June, replacing Cyril ROBIN-CHAMPIGNEUL. Previously, he was the Head of Unit for Corporate Communication Contracts and Services at DG Communication.


Committee of the Regions (CoR):

The Council of the European Union has approved the appointment of five Bulgarian members and six alternate members to the Committee of Regions. The Decision was adopted as of 1 June 2016 and the appointed will serve the remainder of the current term of office, which runs until 25 January 2020.

: Vladimir KISSIOV; Krassimir KOSTOV; Madzhid MANDADZHA; Krasimir MIREV; Detelina NIKOLOVA
Incoming: Malina Edreva AUDOIN, Rumen Iliev GUNINSKI; Diana Simitrova OVCHAROVA; Stefan Nikolov RADEV; Nikolay Jordanov ZAYCHEV

: Stanislav BLAGOV; Nikolay IVANOV; Dimitranka KAMENOVA; Anastasiya MLADENOVA; Emil NAIDENOV
Incoming: Lyubka Veselinova ALEKSANDROVA; Georgi Aleksandrov CHAKAROV; Dobromir Stoykov DOBREV; Emil Stanev KABAIVANOV; Korneliya Dobreva MARINOVA; Georg Leonidov SPARTANSKI


European Agencies:

European Agency for Safety and Health (EU-OSHA):
The European Commission has proposed to extend the term of current Director, Christa SEDLATSCHEK, by five years starting on 15 September 2016. Ms SEDLATSCHEK has been in the role since 2011.


European Court of Auditors (ECA):

Lazaros S. LAZAROU, representative for Cyprus, has had his position renewed as Permanent Member of the CEAD Chamber ‘Coordination, Evaluation, Assurance and Development’.


Public affairs:

Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!

DIGITALEUROPE: Markus BORCHERT from Nokia was elected as its new President, replacing Peter OLSON from Ericsson.

Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC): Morten DYRHOLM was appointed as the new Chairman, taking over from Klaus RAVE.


News in a nutshell: 

Movers & Shakers Government edition: Read about the recent developments and shakeups across the EU in our special edition.

European Parliament: MEPs are heading to Strasbourg from Monday 6 to Thursday 9 June for the plenary session.
The Conference of Presidents agreed on 2 June on a mandate for a committee of inquiry of 65 members to investigate the Panama papers scandal. The proposal will be voted on 8 June during the plenary session by the Parliament as a whole.

EU lobbying rules: A study by transparency group ALTER-EU says that "too many" law firms in Brussels are absent from the EU lobby transparency register "while clearly running EU lobbying services. Meanwhile, European ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly, has opened a "strategic inquiry" into how the Commission carries out conflict of interest assessments for its approximately 40 Special Advisers. Read more.

Croatia: The Social Democrats Party (S&D) filed a no-confidence motion against Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav KARAMARKO, Croatian Democratic Union (EPP) amid an alleged conflict of interest. The junior coalition partner, The Bridge of Independent Lists also called on KARAMANKO to resign, meaning the recently formed government could soon be toppled. The vote is due to take place before 18 June. If KARAMARKO is impeached then either a new candidate should be proposed by the Prime Minister Tihomir ORESKOVIC or the whole government should resign.
Croatia also agreed on lifting the veto on EU-Serbia accession talks regarding the handling of the war crimes cases and minority rights, enabling in this way the opening of a key chapter.




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Read the most recent articles written by Ifigenia Balkoura - Movers and Shakers | 26 November 2018