Today's Movers & Shakers are about: the new French MEPs, European Commission and public affairs appointments, Brexit, the elections in Malta and more.
European Parliament:
Composition of the Parliament:
Thierry CORNILLET and Patricia LALONDE (ALDE, FR) joined the Parliament as members, replacing Marielle de SARNEZ and Sylvie GOULARD, who were appointed as ministers in Emmanuel MACRON’s new cabinet. CORNILLET has served as an MEP from 1999 to 2009.
MEP news:
EFDD group Chair Nigel FARAGE has come under fire after FBI reports he is “person of interest” in the probe into Donald TRUMP’s links to Russia. FARAGE dismissed the claims as “fake news”.
Committees news:
European Commission President Jean-Claude JUNCKER was grilled by the MEPs during a hearing before the Panama Papers committee. JUNCKER defended himself and his role as former Prime Minister and minister for finance of Luxembourg and reiterated his determination to crack down on the problem which has been highlighted by a series of scandals such as the Panama Papers revelations. Read more.
Composition of the committee and the delegations:
Patricia LALONDE (ALDE, FR) joined the committee on international trade.
Thierry CORNILLET (ALDE, FR) joined the committee on economic and monetary affairs (ECON).
Steven WOOLFE (NI, UK) joined the committee on the internal market and consumer protection (IMCO).
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Christel SCHALDEMOSE (S&D, DK) left the delegation for relations with Canada (D-CN) and joined the delegation for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland joint parliamentary committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) joint parliamentary committee (D-EEA).
Isabelle THOMAS (S&D, FR) left the delegation for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland joint parliamentary committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) joint parliamentary committee (D-EEA) and joined the delegation for relations with Canada (D-CN).
Ruža TOMAŠIĆ (ECR, HR) left the committee on transport and tourism (TRAN).
Branislav ŠKRIPEK (ECR, SK) left the committee on regional development (REGI).
Patricia LALONDE (ALDE, FR) joined the committee on foreign affairs (AFET).
Thierry CORNILLET (ALDE, FR) joined the committee on constitutional affairs (AFCO) and the Committee of Inquiry to investigate alleged contraventions and maladministration in the application of Union law in relation to money laundering, tax avoidance and tax evasion (PANA).
Daniela AIUTO (EFDD, UK) left the committee on employment and social affairs (EMPL).
Rosa D’AMATO (EFDD, IT) joined the committee on fisheries (PECH).
Raymond FINCH (EFDD, UK) left the committee of fisheries (PECH) and joined the committee on employment and social affairs (EMPL).
Get to know:
Indrek TARAND (Greens/EFA, EE) in 5 questions.
Face of the week:
British S&D group member Seb DANCE talked to Rajnish SINGH from the Parliament Magazine about Brexit and why he believes it could end up as a race to the bottom. He also explained why he called Nigel FARAGE a liar. Read the interview.
European Commission:
Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO):
Directorate E – Administrative Capacity Building and Programme Implementation II: Aurelio CECILLO assumed responsibility of the former stand-alone unit ' Bulgaria' in addition to his unit 'Croatia and Slovenia'. He replaced acting head of unit Marek TEPLANSKY.
Directorate F – Closure, Major Projects and Programme Implementation III: Christopher TODD became Head of Unit 'Poland' replacing the directorate director who was acting in the role. TODD was previously head of the 'Italy and Malta' unit in Directorate G. Rudolf NIESSLER is currently acting in that role.
Environment (ENV):
Directorate A – Policy: Gilles GANTELET began his role as Director on 1 June. He was previously head of 'Sustainable Development Goals Strategy' which is now being looked after by Helen MCCARTHY.
Directorate B – Circular Economy and Green Growth: Sarah NELEN became Head of Unit 'Waste Management and Secondary Materials' replacing Julius LANGENDORFF who was acting.
Directorate F – Global Sustainable Development: Director Astrid SCHOMAKER became acting Head of Unit 'Bilateral and Regional Environmental Cooperation', replacing Nicholas HANLEY.
Shared Resources – Alexandra VAKROU became acting Head of Unit 'Finance', replacing Francois CASANA.
Competition (COMP):
Directorate A - Policy and Strategy: Maria JASPERS became Head of Unit 'Antitrust Case Support and Policy' replacing Rainer BECKER who was acting.
Directorate G – Cartels: Brigitta RENNER-LOQUENZ became Head of Unit 'Cartels II' replacing Maria JASPERS.
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Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD):
Directorate A – Customs Policy, Legislation, Tariff: a new unit, 'Enterprise architecture and IT operations', was creating with Paul-Hervé THEUNISSEN as acting Head.
Communication (COMM):
Directorate C – Citizens: Marie Therese DUFFY-HAUSLER became acting Head of Unit 'Citizens' Contact' replacing Antonis PAPACOSTAS.
Directorate D – Resources: Carsten LIETZ replaced Michele CHAPELIER as head of the logistics unit and as HR Business Correspondent.
Communications Networks Content and Technology (CNECT):
Directorate G – Data: Gail KENT began her role as Director replacing acting Director Javier HERNÁNDEZ-ROS. KENT was Resources Director and is still looking after this directorate but in an acting capacity. Federico MILANI became acting Head of 'Data Applications and Creativity', replacing HERNÁNDEZ-ROS.
Directorate R – Resources and Support: Tonnie DE KOSTER joined the directorate as Adviser for Digital Single Market International Outreach.
Public affairs:
Got any new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Contact Ifigenia Balkoura!
AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD): Eric TRAPPIER, chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation, was appointed as the new president
NEW in Brussels! Ariadne: Emilie DROMZÉE is now representing the organisation in Brussels. In her new role, she will be working closely with partners and on joint initiatives within the Ariadne strategic plan 2017-2020. Based with the Network of European Foundations at Philanthropy House, she will be focusing on Brussels-based funders and growing participation across Europe.
Association of Consumer Credit Information Suppliers (ACCIS): Enrique VELÁZQUEZ started a new role as Director-General as of 1 June. Prior to his appointment he was head of public affairs at the European Banking Federation.
Copa-Cogeca: Michèle BOUDOIN was elected as the new Chair of the sheepmeat working party.
European Broadcasting Union (EBU): Noel CURRAN will succeed Ingrid DELTENRE as Director General in September 2017.
International Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (IFIEC): Steinar SOLHEIM was elected as the new president, replacing Annette LOSKE.
International Transport Forum (ITF): Young TAE KIM was selected by the transport ministers of the organisation’s member countries as the new Secretary-General, taking over from José VIEGAS.
International Union of Cinemas (UNIC): Laura HOULGATTE ABBOTT was appointed as the new chief executive, succeeding Jan RUNGE in August. She is currently holding the position of EU affairs executive.
Teneo Holdings acquired Cabinet DN: the New York-based global advisory firm announced the acquisition of Cabinet DN, a Brussels-based public affairs and strategic communications firm. The business will be combined with Teneo’s Brussels team led by Ruud WASSEN, Managing Director. Jacob LUND NIELSEN, Timme BERTOLT DØSSING, Deborah NASH and Mario FILIPPONI will continue in their leadership roles of the business and will be reporting to the Chairman of Teneo, Charles WATSON.
Vattenfall: Tuomo HATAKKA will assume a new role as Diversity and Inclusion Officer on 1 July, taking over from Annika VIKLUND. He is currently in charge of the Business Area Heat and Country Manager for Vattenfall in Germany.
News in a nutshell:
Brexit: The European Commission published two position papers on the citizens’ rights and the financial liabilities of the UK in the view of a discussion at the Council working party on 1 June. The papers reiterated the need for equal citizens’ rights and a single financial settlement for the UK liabilities.
A new survey says that around 78 per cent of Europeans think that the primary objective in the upcoming Brexit negotiations should be the protection of the interests of the remaining EU27. The results come as the EU's chief Brexit negotiator, Michel BARNIER, confirmed that the talks with the UK will officially start on 19 June. Read more.
In a speech at the annual conference of the national association of German cooperative banks, German Chancellor Angela MERKEL called for moving the European Banking Authority (EBA) from London to Frankfurt.
Ahead of the snap elections to be held on 8 June, Theresa MAY came under fire for her absence from the TV debate of the political leaders that was held on 31 May. She also made a Eurosceptic pitch by commenting at a campaign event that "Set free from the shackles of EU control, we will be a great, global trading nation once again bringing new jobs and new opportunities for ordinary working families here at home."
European Commission chief negotiator Michel BARNIER said last week that negotiations could start on 19 June, if Theresa MAY and her team are re-elected. However, a Commission source admitted that they would be prepared to allow a further postponement to the talks if the new government requests one.
Ireland: Leo VARADKAR was elected as the new leader of the Fine Gael and is set to replace Enda KENNY as prime minister.
Malta: The ruling Labour party won the snap elections held on 3 June and Joseph MUSCAT was sworn in as Prime Minister for a second term.
Paris agreement: The decision of Donald TRUMP to pull out the USA from the Paris agreement sparked anger not only in the EU but worldwide. European Parliament President Antonio TAJANI was among the first to voice disquiet at the news, saying, "I am very concerned by the US administration's possible withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change." Newly elected French president Emmanuel MACRON tweeted that he respects the decision but said that he believes that it’s a mistake, while he also invited scientists, entrepreneurs and citizens to France to work on sustainable solution on climate action. He also tweeted a picture, read “Make our planet great again”, mocking TRUMP’s campaign slogan. British Prime Minister Theresa MAY was criticised over weak response to the move.

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