Movers and Shakers | 8 May 2020


By Mia Bartoloni

Mia Bartoloni is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

07 May 2020


Today’s Movers & Shakers are about: EPP Chair Manfred Weber returns to Parliament, the new acting US Representative to the EU, Facebook gets a new Director of EU Affairs in Brussels, Polish presidential elections postponed, the latest Commission appointments, and more!


European Parliament

Political Groups

European People’s Party (EPP)
Group Chair Manfred WEBER has returned to Parliament after almost two months of absence due to health reasons. Esteban GONZÁLEZ PONS had been deputising for WEBER in his absence.

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European Commission


Brendan DEVLIN has been appointed Adviser in Directorate A (Energy Policy). He was previously Adviser in Directorate B (Internal Energy Market).
There have also been some changes made to unit titles. Unit A1 led by Paula PINHO, previously known as ‘Energy policy co-ordination,’ is now ‘Strategy and policy co-ordination’. Unit B3 led by Catharina SIKOW-MAGNY, previously known as ‘Retail markets; coal & oil’ is now ‘Retail markets, consumers and local initiatives’. Unit B4 led by Stefan MOSER, previously known as ‘Security of Supply’ is now ‘Energy security and safety’ and Unit C2 led by Haitze SIEMERS, previously ‘New energy technologies, innovation and clean coal’ is now ‘Innovation, clean technologies and competitiveness’.

European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO)
Andrea KOULAIMAH replaces Susanne MALLAUN as Director of Directorate D (Sub‐Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and Pacific). The former was in the role in an acting capacity. KOULAIMAH is replaced in their previous role as Head of Unit E4 (ECHO Field Network) by Bernadette FREDERICK.

Migration and Home Affairs (HOME)
Johannes LUCHNER fills a vacant position as Director of Directorate A (Strategy and General Affairs).
Jo DE COCK replaces Bernadette FREDERICK as Head of Unit E1 (Funds Programming and Procedures) in an acting capacity.

Regional and Urban Policy (REGIO)
Marcela BUZOI replaces Caroline CALLENS as Head of Unit C2 (Audit I) in an acting capacity.
Caroline CALLENS moves to Head of Unit G2 (Portugal and Spain) replacing Vicente RODRIGUEZ SAEZ who was performing the role in an acting capacity.
Nicolas GIBERT-MORIN replaces Wolfgang MUNCH as Head of Unit G4 (Italy and Malta). MUNCH was performing the role in an acting capacity

Secretariat-General (SG) - UK Task Force
Marie SIMONSEN has been appointed Head of Unit A2 (Legal and Interinstitutional Affairs).
Stefan FUEHRING has been appointed Head of Unit A4 (Economic Affairs I).

Spokesperson’s Service
Zoï MULETIER has been appointed Press Officer for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Neighbourhood and Enlargement.

Want to know more? Click here for more information on our Dods People EU service. 

EU Institutions and Agencies

Missions to the European Union

United States of America
US Ambassador to Belgium, Ronald J. GIDWITZ, has been appointed Acting Representative to the EU. He fills a vacant role left after the departure of Gordon SONDLAND in February.

Public Affairs

Alexandros KORONAKIS, editor and CEO of New Europe, will join AT&T as Executive Director of International External and Regulatory Affairs out of Brussels, dealing with EU (focusing on Southern Europe) and Balkans.

Aura SALLA has been appointed Director of EU Affairs in Brussels. She will take up her position on 18 May. SALLA has previously worked as assistant to former Commissioner Jyrki KATAINEN and in the office of former Commission President Jean-Claude JUNCKER.

Got a new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Click here to let us know about it!

National News

After intensifying criticism over the proposed presidential elections of 10 May, the Supreme Court has officially declared the vote void. A new date has not yet been made clear.

Four opposition parties, List of Marjan Šarec (ALDE), Social Democrats (PES), Levica (PEL), and Alenka Bratušek Party (ALDE), have filed a motion of no-confidence against Minister for Economic Development and Technology Zdravko POČIVALŠEK in the wake of accusations of political pressure in the purchasing of personal protective equipment and ventilators.

Read the most recent articles written by Mia Bartoloni - Movers and Shakers | 18 June 2021