Movers and Shakers | 3 August 2015

Keep track of developments in the European institutions and public affairs with our movers and shakers column. on 3 August 2015

By Dods people EU

03 Aug 2015

European External Action (EEAS):

The High Representative of the European Commission Federica MOGHERINI announced the adoption of a new organisation chart of EEAS.

The Secretary-General will be assisted as of mid-September by the Deputy Secretary General for CSDP and Crisis Response, the Deputy Secretary General for Political Affairs and Mr Christian LEFFLER, who is a new Deputy Secretary General in charge of Economic and Global Issues.

Within the new structure a new function of an EEAS Gender Advisor is created and the Managing Directors are empowered to be the key interlocutors for relations with countries and international organisations under their responsibility.

The six geographical and thematic Managing Directors will report to the Deputy Secretaries General in charge of Political Affairs and Economic and Global Issues.

According to the new organisational chart the following has been appointed:

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN): Francisco FONTAN PARDO, currently Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Brazil appointed as Ambassador.

EU Delegation to Belarus: Andrea WIKTORIN, currently Ambassador of Germany to Latvia appointed as Head, replacing Maira MORA.

EU Delegation to Brazil: Joao Gomes CRAVINHO, currently Head of the EU Delegation in India and Bhutan appointed as Head, replacing Ana Paula ZACARIAS.

EU Delegation to Cambodia: George EDGAR, currently Ambassador of the UK to Uzbekistan appointed as Head, replacing Jean-Francois CAUTAIN.

EU Delegation to Costa Rica: Pelayo CASTRO ZUZUARREGUI, currently Head of EEAS Division for Parliamentary Affairs and Inter-Institutional Issues appointed as Head, replacing José MARTINEZ-PRADA.

EU Delegation to Kazakhstan: Traian HRISTEA, currently Head of the EU Delegation in Armenia appointed as Head, replacing Aurélia BOUCHEZ.

EU Delegation to Kenya: Stefano-Antonio DEJAK, currently Ambassador of Italy to Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi appointed as Head, replacing Marjaana SALL (Acting).

EU Delegation to Mali: Alain HOLLEVILLE, currently EU Delegation in Burkina Faso appointed as Head, replacing Richard ZINK.

EU Delegation to Namibia: Jana HYBASKOVA, currently Head of the EU Delegation in Iraq appointed as Head, replacing Raúl FUENTES MILANI.

EU Delegation to Nicaragua: Kenneth BELL, currently Head of the EEAS Central America and Mexico Division appointed Head, replacing Francisco Javier SANDOMINGO NÚÑEZ. Mr BELL will also be accredited to Panama and to the Central American Integration System (SICA).

EU Delegation to Pakistan: Jean-Francois CAUTAIN, currently Head of the EU Delegation in Cambodia, appointed Head, replacing Stefano GATTO (Acting).

EU Delegation to South Korea: Gerhard SABATHIL, currently EEAS Director for North East Asia and the Pacific appointed as Head, replacing Tomasz KOZLOWSKI.

European Economic and Trade Office, Taiwan: Madeleine MAJORENKO, currently Head of the EEAS Division dealing with the European Neighbourhood Policy appointed as Head, replacing Frederic LAPLANCHE.

EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna: Didier LENOIR, currently Adviser in the EEAS Department dealing with Europe and Central Asia appointed as Head, replacing Györgyi MARTIN ZANATHY.

EU Delegation to the United Nations, New York: Joao VALE DE ALMEIDA appointed as Head, replacing Thomas MAYR-HARTING.

Western Europe, the Western Balkans and Turkey in the EEAS: Angelina EICHHORST, currently Head of the EU Delegation in Lebanon appointed Director.

Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva: Mark VANHEUKELEN, currently Director of Sustainable Development; Economic Partnership Agreements-African, Caribbean and Pacific; Agri-food and Fisheries – DG Trade appointed as Head, Angelos PANGRATIS.

A 23 further appointments will be announced in due time.

European Agencies:

European Food Safety Authority: Anthony HARDY re-elected as Chair and Diane BENFORD and Hubert NOTEBORN elected as Vice-Chairs of the Scientific Committee for a three-year mandate.

Public affairs:

Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME): Tanguy VAN DE WERVE appointed as Head of Brussels office.

European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO): Sonia RUIZ MORAN elected as President, replacing John CHAVE. EMVO was officially established in February.

News in a nutshell:

France: Following the decision of a French Court, MEP Jean-Marie LE PEN won a legal victory over his expulsion as Honorary President from the National Front (ENL).

Greece: Prime Minister Alexis TSIPRAS, Syriza (GUE/NGL) said that if he does not have a parliamentary majority, he will call a snap election. During the last two votes for the bailout bill, a significant number of Syriza MPs voted against the government.

Romania: Deputy Prime Minister for National Security and Minister of Internal Affairs Gabriel OPREA, Social Democratic Party (S&D) takes over from Victor PONTA as Acting Prime Minister from 29 July to 9 August.


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