Movers and Shakers | 24 February 2022

Today’s Movers & Shakers is about: Commissioner Cabinet news, DG ENV’s new Head of Unit, and more!

By Nisa Khan

Nisa Khan is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

24 Feb 2022

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European Parliament

MEP News
Gilbert Collard (FR, NI) and Jérôme Rivière (FR, NI) have left the Rassemblement national party to join Reconquête.

Committees and Delegations

European Commission

Commissioner Cabinets

Cabinet of Adina-Ioana Vălean
Charlotte Nørlund Matthiessen is the new Policy Adviser. Her responsibitlies include urban mobility and sustainable and intelligent transport.

Cabinet of Margrethe Vestager
Marta Balossino replaces Yizhou Ren as a Member of Cabinet. Her responsibilities include state aid policy and analysis, regional policy and maritime affairs.

Directorates-General and Services

Environment (ENV)
Lore Genand is the new acting Head of Unit A2 (Communication and IT Solutions).
Jean-Claude Merciol is the new Adviser (Life, Research and Knowledge) for Directorate A.

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Read the most recent articles written by Nisa Khan - Movers and Shakers | 1 July 2022

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