Movers and Shakers | 17 September 2021

Today’s Movers & Shakers are about: Several committee changes in Parliament, a Commissioner has a new head of cabinet, three new Bulgarian ministers, public affairs appointments, and more!

By Nisa Khan

Nisa Khan is the Editor of Dods People EU and the European Public Affairs Directory (EPAD)

16 Sep 2021

European Parliament

Committees and Delegations

Lars Patrick Berg (ECR, DE) joins the India Delegation (D-IN).
Andor Deli (NI, HU) joins the Budgets Committee (BUDG).
Tamás Deutsch (NI, HU) joins the Protection of Animals during Transport Committee (ANIT).
Kinga Gál (NI, HU) and Ioannis Lagos (NI, HU) join the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET) replacing Andrzej Halicki (EPP, PL).
Enikő Győri (NI, HU) joins the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON).
András Gyürk (NI, HU) joins the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE).
Lívia Járóka (NI, HU) joins the Beating Cancer Special Committee (BECA).
Balázs Hidvéghi (NI, HU) joins the Foreign Interference in all Democratic Processes in the European Union, including Disinformation Special Committee (INGE).
Ádám Kósa (NI, HU) joins the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL).
Adriana Maldonado López (S&D, ES) and Luisa Regimenti (EPP, IT) join the Pan-African Parliament Delegation (DPAP).
Giuseppe Milazzo (ECR, IT) joins the ACP-EU Delegation (D-ACP).
Ernő Schaller-Baross (NI, HU) joins the Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age Special Committee (AIDA).
Cristian Terheş (ECR, RO) joins the South Africa Delegation (D-ZA) replacing Ryszard Antoni Legutko (ECR, PL).
Edina Tóth (NI, HU) joins the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee (ENVI).
László Trócsányi (NI, HU) joins the International Trade Committee (INTA) replacing Maxette Pirbakas (ID, FR).

Franc Bogovič (EPP, SI) is no longer a substitute on the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE).
Andrea Bocskor (NI, HU) joins the Culture and Education Committee (CULT).
Tamás Deutsch (NI, HU) joins the Budgetary Control Committee (CONT).
Ioannis Lagos (NI, HU) joins the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET).
Lukas Mandl (EPP, AT) moves from member to substitute on the Employment and Social Affairs Committee (EMPL).
Massimiliano Salini (EPP, IT) moves from member to substitute on the Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE).
Annalisa Tardino (ID, IT) moves from member to substitute on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety  Committee (ENVI).
Henna Virkkunen (EPP, FI) is no longer a substitute on the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET).

National Parties
Lucia Vuolo (EPP, IT) has joined Forza Italia after leaving Lega in July.

European Commission

Commissioner Cabinets

Cabinet of Mariya Gabriel
Pauline Rouch will join the team as the new head of cabinet. She is currently head of unit F3 (COREPER I and Relations with National Parliaments) and was previously in the cabinets of Jean-Claude Juncker and Viviane Reding.

Cabinet of Kadri Simson
Barbara Glowacka joins the team as a member of cabinet. Her responsibilities include energy infrastructure, research and innovation.

Directorates-General and Services

Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (FISMA)
Raffaella Assetta replaces Petr Wagner as head of unit A4 (International Affairs) who had been covering the role in an acting capacity.

Human Resources and Security (HR)
Monica Solombrino replaces Dirk Lapage as head of unit A3 (HR Processes, Data and Information Systems) in an acting capacity.

Office for Infrastructure and Logistics in Brussels (OIB)
Simona Lupu replaces Adriana Leroy as head of unit C2 (Kindergarten and Childminding Facilities) in an acting capacity.

Publications Office (OP)
Valeria Sciarrino replaces Eva Beňová as director of directorate D (Corporate Services) in an acting capacity.
Lina Baniene replaces Raymond Pisani as head of unit D3 (Finance) in an acting capacity.

Head of Representation

Stefan Welin replaces Stina Soewarta as head of the representation in Copenhagen in an acting capacity.

Public Affairs

Former European Parliament President, Pat Cox (IE), has been appointed chair after a number of years on the Ecocem board.

Got a new appointment you would like us to include in our next newsletter? Click here to let us know about it! 

National News

President Rumen Radev announced early parliamentary elections and presented the renewed cabinet composition in which Stefan Yanev remains Prime Minister. Valeri Belchev replaces Assen Vassilev as the new Minister of Finance, Daniela Vezieva replaces Kiril Petkov as Minister of Economy and Hristo Alexiev replaces Georgi Todorov as Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications. The new cabinet will focus on organizing parliamentary and presidential elections which are due to take place on 14 November.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sigrid Kaag, has resigned due to her handling of the Afghanistan evacuation. Dutch MPs passed a motion of censure against her as they concluded that the cabinet did not act responsibly during the crisis last month.

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Read the most recent articles written by Nisa Khan - Movers and Shakers | 1 July 2022

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